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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Restoring Harmony

This past Sunday night, I watched the televised broadcast of the Emmy Awards. Because of the pandemic, the format was strikingly different from past years. There was no audience. The nominees participated in the broadcast via live feeds from their respective locations. It was another clear reminder that we are living in a different world these days.

I was especially struck by one of the groups who were gathered in an outdoor space with their masks in place toasting to the New Year while wearing party hats and glasses. When the host reminded them that the New Year would not begin for another few months, they retorted that they are ready for 2020 to be over, so they decided to celebrate its end and start 2021 early.

Even though it was meant to be humorous, it revealed a pervasive feeling of overwhelm that many of us are experiencing. I have seen memes on social media that express much of the same weariness, grief, pain, and sadness about so many things that have happened in 2020. Many of us are asking, When will it end?”

I have certainly asked that. In my post of September 10, Whats Going On? I shared some thoughts about being in liminal space. While this is an uncomfortable space for many of us, to say the least, it can be a vitally important time for us to lean in to knowing that what is happening around us can reflect what is happening within us.

We need not look hard or far to see the appearances of divisiveness and polarity. The appearance of such shows up in the following mindsets … You are either for Black Lives Matter or you support law enforcement. You are either pro-life or pro-abortion. You are either liberal or conservative. You either believe in science or you are a climate change denier. You are a racist or you are woke. For so many, there seems to be no middle ground. This grappling shows up and presents as the state of the world, not just in our country. That is the appearance, but what is really happening?

The master teacher, Jesus, told us, Do not judge by appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24). Righteous judgement tells me that Divine Order is always evolving everything toward Unity, toward the awareness of Divine Life expressing in and through all. If we are to judge, or discern by righteous judgement, what would we perceive instead?

The world is striving for Harmony, an aspect of Divine Life. When we focus solely on appearance, we may see the struggle of opposing forces. However, when we judge with righteous judgement, which is a perspective centered in our Divine nature, we witness Spirit calling us to our center, to love, to reconciliation, to unity.

I realize that it is often challenging for us to observe what is going on in the world around us and not get disheartened, discouraged and even fearful. I know. I have experienced it, and I continue to from time to time. We have been faced with all sorts of challenges this year, and 2020 is not yet over. Considering the current political climate, it appears more is in store.

When we reflect upon how what is happening around us reflects what is happening within us, we need not look too closely to see that we, too, are striving for Harmony. When we find ourselves getting caught up in the emotional turmoil within, we can rest assured that Spirit is calling us back to Harmony and to the remembrance of who we truly are. It is a golden opportunity for us to pay attention and heed the call.

I encourage us not to get caught up in the drama of opposing forces. Let us be the ones who consciously choose to focus on Harmony as an aspect of the Divine and do what we can to help establish it. We can only achieve that when we are not drawn into the fray but stay centered in the awareness of the Light we are here to be in the world.

We stay centered by first setting a clear intention to do so and by making a clear declaration of our intention.

Take a deep breath allowing the breath to draw your awareness deep into the center of your being – your Heart Center.

Say – “I Am now grounded in the awareness of the Light I have come here to be.”

Breathe the energy of Mother Earth up through the bottom of your feet and into your Heart Center.

Open your crown at the top of your head and breathe the energy of the Cosmic Christ down into your Heart Center.

Say – “I Am now centered in the perfect Harmony of Spirit.”

Imagine that energy extending out from your heart into the hearts and minds of all humanity. You may see it as a color, a swirl of colors, a beam of light, or any other image.

Say – “I Am now a radiating center of Divine Harmony blessing the world.”

See it as waves of energy moving out across the globe touching hearts and minds, healing the appearance of divisiveness and restoring harmony.

Say – “I Am now in Divine Harmony with all creation.”

Yes, 2020 has offered us many opportunities to witness the appearance of disharmony and discord. As spiritually awakened people, our opportunity is to look beyond the appearance and behold the activity of Spirit active in it all. Let us be the ones who heed the call to bring Harmony to our own hearts and minds, and to do our part in restoring it upon the Earth.


  1. Thank you, David. For this prayer to take in to meditation. Reminding me to always know and claim who I AM.

  2. Thank you, David. Galations 3:28 tells us in part: "...for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." Let us all work toward that oneness in Harmony.
