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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Political Visionary

I am taking a little break from writing, so I looked back on some of my previous posts to see if there was one I thought would be appropriate to share this week. Fortunately, I found one that I think is timely.

Until now I have remained silent on the political climate we are currently facing in this country. Of course, I have my opinions, but I believe that is not within the purview of my role as Spiritual Leader to engage in political rhetoric, at least not in this forum. It is not my purpose or my role here to attempt to persuade anyone to vote for a particular candidate or to share my political views.

However, I do see it as my role as Spiritual Leader to hold the consciousness of our spiritual principles and to encourage us all to continue to be mindful of and, to the best of our ability, practice those principles. Therefore, I am reposting a piece I wrote during the 2012 election cycle. As I reviewed this piece, I was amazed to discover that things have changed very little. It saddens me that we have not progressed, and have possibly digressed in our consciousness, over the past four years.

I am dismayed. It seems that we do not hold civility, mutual respect and honor for all people as values from which we strive to live. I hope and pray that especially during this time when fear seems to be the prevailing motivator that we will choose to center ourselves in the Love of God, know our unity, and live the Truth we know.

My article from 2012 follows.

In large part due to social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, I have, during this election cycle, learned more about the political positions of my friends, family and acquaintances than at any time in the past. Some of them have surprised me with their impassioned posts. That most of the posts are derogatory, some vitriolic, against one candidate or the other is what I find most surprising; in fact, I have been a bit dismayed by them.

Interestingly, many of my “friends” on Facebook, some of whom are the very same ones who posted these comments, are keenly aware of the concepts of the “law of attraction,” “law of mind action,” and “mental equivalents.”  It amazes me that when it comes to politics even those of us who believe that “what we think about comes about” and that “what we resist persists” still focus on what we do not want, rather than on what we do want. Most of the conversations, emails, and social media posts I have seen focus, not on what they like and value about the candidate they favor, but on what they dislike most about the opposing candidate.

We know that we are powerful creators, and that we attract ourselves to people, places and situations according to our thoughts and feelings. When two or more come together to focus on something, whether it is what is wanted or what is not wanted, the creative energy is magnified. When millions of people come together to focus on what is not wanted, the possibility of creating what is not wanted increases exponentially. Our government is us: those who hold elected positions reflect our consciousness. If we want something different in Washington D.C., we must first individually become something different wherever we are.

We must ask ourselves whether we want to manifest a governing body in America that reflects the energy of resistance and opposition, fear and anger; or, whether we want a government that reflects the energy of our heartfelt desire for good.

Instead of focusing on what is not working and what we do not like, I suggest that we each become a ‘”Political Visionary.”

I would like to encourage us to take a few moments to engage in the following practice on a daily basis:
  • Instead of concentrating on the “evils” of the opposing party or candidates, focus on the principles you value, such as freedom, safety, security, prosperity, and self-reliance. Imagine that you are now experiencing all of those qualities in abundance. How do you feel?  Now, extend that feeling energy out into all areas of our country, and then out to the entire world. Know that feeling for all humanity.
  • Next, use your power of imagination to envision our governmental leaders embodying those qualities and holding them as sacred values. Experience gratitude for those who are willing to lead our country with those values deeply realized. Thank them for their willingness to lead.
  • Relax, knowing that the Universe responds to your energetic focus. Trust that all is well, and that those elected to lead the United States of America embody those ideals.
  • And, so it is.


  1. Thanks for reminding us we are powerful creators of our own peace.

  2. I believe this: all my conservative friends want the same thing as all my liberal friends. They all want a better world in which to live. They want it more lucrative, more beautiful, more goodness, and just more of the great things and feelings we already have. I agree.

    Concerning politics, I quote Forrest Gump: "That's all I have to say about that."

  3. Enjoy your time off David. I enjoyed your blog post. ❤️
