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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Seeing the Self

For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part;  but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end…For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” –
I Corinthians 13: 9 -10 & 12

During my meditation today, the scripture above from Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth came to mind. So, I chose to contemplate upon it. What I share below is the message that came to me. It was powerfully meaningful to me. I hope it holds some meaning for you as well.

I gaze into a mirror and I see the reflection of my mind. I see through the haze of the myths, messages and beliefs I have accepted as truth about myself. I see who I believe myself to be. I do not see who I am: I see who I am not. I perceive a distorted image of myself.

I also see the world through the filters of my mind. When I misperceive myself, I misperceive the world and all in it. I see only in part. I do not see the whole, the complete truth.

But, as Paul promises, in the moments when conscious awareness of my True Self is revealed, I see clearly. I see as though I am looking through the eyes of the Christ, and I see the face of Christ reflected back to me. I know myself as I am known in the Mind of God as Itself in expression. I see my Self complete, as the perfect Son of God that I Am.

When I see my Self clearly, I see the world and all therein clearly as well. “When the complete comes” – when the truth of the Christ awakens in my consciousness – I see clearly. Then, I know even as I Am known.

Knowing myself as I Am known is the promise of Easter. It is the resurrection of the True Self in my conscious awareness. While my True Self eternally abides in its complete nature at the center of my being, it is resurrected in my conscious awareness only as I open to allow it. In order to see clearly, I must be willing to question all the assumptions I have accepted about myself and the world. I must be willing to have my perception transformed as I invite and welcome the renewing of my mind. This happens through conscious connection with the Christ within.

I consciously participate in this transformation through my spiritual practices. I merge my mind with the One Mind in prayer. In meditation, I quiet my mind in order to allow the truth to be impressed upon it by the One Mind. And, through contemplation on the Christ of my being, the True Self is revealed as me.

It does not happen magically or without my participation. I must enter into the process willingly with conscious intention. It is a process of growing in the awareness of the True Self so that the former self passes away and the True Self is resurrected. This is the path to Easter and the purpose of Lent.

Through my Lenten series, “Loving the Self,” I am encouraging us all to spend time in daily prayer, meditation and contemplation so that we may meet, fall in love, grow in love, live in love, rest in love, surrender in love and rise in love with our True Self, the Christ of our being. I invite us all to accept the promise of Easter and use the next few weeks to claim it for ourselves

Please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 for our services. You may watch videos of past lessons on the Unity Spiritual Center Denver YouTube channel. Or, you may listen to them on our website


  1. Speaking of the Gospels metaphorically, or metaphysically, the Easter holiday has been the annual time of renewal for me, my being, Nature and the Universe. While the bottom half of the earth is preparing for it's night of rest, I am beginning to awaken for a new and another spring day where I can see growth in nature and hopefully myself. The Easter Bunny has many gift if only we look for them, as does the Universe. Every day I try to be aware of and consciously think that it is a good day to be alive. I look forward to sharing the Unity Easter again this year when I will acknowledge once again the differences between us while celebrating the oneness of us all.

  2. Amen!! This opening to God and our Divine Self through meditation and focus that you are guiding us on is deeply & profoundly meaningful to me. Thank you David.
