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Thursday, November 2, 2017

A New Thought

I am currently participating in a webinar series called “Awaken – A 12-week Journey to Unearthing Your Authentic Essence” facilitated by Unity minister, Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson. This week, our homework was to explore one limiting belief and choose a new empowering belief.

It never ceases to amaze me, even after all these years of doing this kind of spiritual work, that when we invite conscious awareness and become open to it, we unfailingly awaken to what we need.

This week, I became consciously aware of my poverty consciousness around time. After allowing myself to stop, breathe and self-connect, I realized that I was holding a great deal of tension around the thought that I do not have enough time to do all the things I need to do.

Only when I became conscious of that belief was I able to question it and choose something different. Until then, I had allowed that thought to take over my thinking and feeling. When I stopped long enough to connect, I noticed that my breathing was shallow and my chest and abdomen were tight. I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

From time to time, it helps to be reminded of some Unity basic teachings. One of which is that we have the power to change our thinking and change our experience. Another is that we are endowed with what Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore delineated as The Twelve Powers which include the powers of ‘Renunciation’ and ‘Dominion’. When we ignite the power of ‘Renunciation’ we employ our ability to release and let go of thoughts and beliefs that we can allow to limit our experience. Using our power of ‘Dominion’ we can choose thoughts that expand consciousness, and open us up to greater and more fulfilling life experiences.

Thankfully, during our weekly call, my prayer partner reminded me of these truths. I was then able and willing to renounce the power of the thought that I do not have enough time, and claim dominion over my thinking with the following:

The thought that I do not have enough time is not true and no longer has any power in my life. I release it and let it go.

I know that I am divinely inspired in every moment and endowed with all I need in order to accomplish what is mine to do. I move through every moment, minute, hour and day with confidence, grace and ease knowing that all is unfolding in its perfect time.

I immediately felt my chest and abdomen relax; my breathing deepened and my mind opened to seeing all of the things on my “to do” list as possibilities and opportunities to be explored, rather than as duties and obligations to be tackled. I used my innate “powers” to change my thinking and change my experience.

I invite you to stop, breathe, go within and connect with at least one thought or belief that you are allowing to limit your divine expression. Pay attention to how your body is responding. Identify it and be specific. What feelings are coming up? Make note of each one, even if it is a mental list. Do not hurry through this process. Allow each physical, mental and emotional presence to be recognized.

Now, activate your power of ‘Renunciation’ and deny the truth of that limiting thought. Notice what happens in your body as you release the energy and open up to new possibilities. Then, choose a new thought, write it down and repeat it until you feel that you have aligned your thinking and feeling with it. Notice what happens in your body. My guess is that you will feel more energized and inspired to move forward in the next right step. Know and trust that you are in the flow of Divine Good.

We do, indeed, have the powers to choose a new thought and change our experience.

As always, I invite you to join us at Unity Spiritual Center on Sunday, November 5, as we welcome our special guest speaker and workshop facilitator, Rev. Sheila Gautreaux. She will share a lesson entitled, The Power of Forgiveness, at the 10:00 a.m. service. Sheila will also offer The Radical Forgiveness Ceremony from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. We’ll see you there, and as always, there is great love for you here.


  1. I had a similar awakening when I was writing my book, "Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life!" I realized time is not a scarce resource. We have all the time we need for the things that matter. In each moment, our only responsibility is to discern what matters most right now, to focus, fully commit and follow through. When I live choose mindfully and act gratefully, it's amazing what I can accomplish (including knowing when to rest and play).

    1. You are in my heart and prayers as you move through this time of loss. Hugs!

  2. It is so true that time can seem limited when looking at “things to do” versus “doing what is mine to do”. I find that “doing what is mine to do” expands each moment and time becomes less of a restriction and more of a gift. Thank you David for being our Spiritual Leader and doing what is yours to do!
