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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Spiritual Mastery

In my post last week (read it here), I said that I am currently living in the question, “What does growing up spiritually look like?”

After living in the question for a week, the question has now morphed into, “What does it mean to be a Spiritual Master?”

Earlier this week, I received the following message during meditation:

You are a Spiritual Master.
You are awakening to your Mastery.
You are mastering your Mastery.

Claiming your Spiritual Mastery is the first step in awakening from the dream, the dream that you are anything other than the image/likeness of God.

The first step in being a Spiritual Master is claiming that you already are that. In the creation story in Genesis 1 we are told that we are created as the image/likeness of God - Creative Life Energy, One Mind, Pure Perfect Light and Life – and that we are given dominion over all the things of the earth. This is a pronouncement of our Mastery.

In Unity, we often say, “I am one with God;” “God and I are one;” or “I know my unity in God.” While all of these statements are true, they are not affirmations of Absolute Truth because each of them denoted duality. The words ‘with’ and ‘and’ signify a relationship between things; therefore indicate that there are two, not one. Our Absolute Truth can better be stated as “My identity is God.” I prefer, “I Am that I Am,” or “I Am Pure Light and Life.” You are Pure Light and Life. You are the Presence of the Power of God. You are the Power of God’s Presence. You are the image/likeness of the One.

Metaphysically, “all the things of the earth” represents all that appears in the manifest realm. We know from our Unity teaching, as Emmet Fox so eloquently stated, that life is consciousness. In other words, all that we experience in the manifest realm has its beginning in consciousness, and is a projection of consciousness. Our consciousness is comprised of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs – all that makes up our conscious and subconscious minds. We have dominion over our consciousness through the gift and power of freewill choice.

You are a Spiritual Master experiencing your human incarnation as a reflection of the level at which you have awakened to and mastered that Truth.

When you awaken spiritually, you are no longer caught in the dream of separation. You are awakened to your True Nature as the image/likeness of God. Spiritual awakening for some happens in a flash, in an instant, and some are able to maintain the consciousness of oneness and live from it. Most of us, however, experience spiritual awakening incrementally. It is a process of realizing our Truth and integrating those realizations into our consciousness.

A Spiritual Master recognizes that the human experience is a journey back to remembrance of our True Nature. We allow life experiences to show where we are in respect to the realization of Truth and the integration of it. We do not claim perfect expression, yet aspire to it. Each experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.

You master your Mastery through each choice you make to live as a Spiritual Master.

My understanding of this message is: You no longer resist any aspect of life. You recognize that life happens for you. Everyone and everything in your life is there to help you awaken more completely from the dream; to go from who you are not to the fullness of who you are. You allow life to be as it is and welcome each opportunity to remember your divinity.

You stop waiting for the next phenomenal experience, the latest and greatest spiritual teacher or book, or the voice from heaven to call to you. You are no longer a spiritual seeker; you are a spiritual Knower. You realize that what you have been seeking is that which you already are. You know, and you know that you know, who you are. Further, you know that God is the all that you are. There is nothing to be found outside the Self that you are.

You are no longer in bondage to the desires of the adverse ego¹ dominated mind. Your life energy is no longer spent engaging in activities that strengthen and support the false self, the image of who you are not, which is based in fear. Instead, you direct your life energy toward fulfilling the desires of the Spirit which is always in service to Love – Love for the Light and Life, I Am; Love for the world; and Love for the True Self – which in Truth are all one and the same. You are awakened to Love, as Love, in service to Love.

You stop looking to anyone else as your source for anything, including love. You realize that there is only one Source and you are the expression of that Source. As A Course in Miracles says, “Only what you are not giving can be lacking in any situation.” Anything that you believe is lacking from your experience is what you are not giving. You realize that all that you ever desire lies within you, as you. You open your spiritual eyes and ears to receive all that is eternally available.

You are a Spiritual Master.
You are awakening to your Mastery.
You are mastering your Mastery.

Join us on Sunday at 10:00 for our service as we explore further what it means for us to claim our Spiritual Mastery, awaken more fully to it, and master it.


  1. As I am reading your post and allowing these ideas to be in my mind and heart and soul, I feel a sense of release and lightness. All that I am not is loosening its grip. I AM letting go - easily and even joyfully. No regrets. No fear. No need. I AM remembering the pure presence of Light and life and love that I AM. In this moment I AM free and at peace. I AM gratitude expressing.

  2. I think, therefore I am; but what am I? Am I "the image/likeness of the One" or am I the One? Then I think again. Am I caught in an endless loop? I hope so.

    I am the One. Is it possible that I am the One and still be the image/likeness of the One? Is separation what corporal life is about? Can I be part of all that is and still be separate and individual? Can I be both?

    With God all things are possible. With me all things are possible. With us all things are possible. I just gotta believe. We just gotta believe. God already believes. Awakening "to Love, as Love, in service to Love", is a great way to start! Thanks for waking me up Rev; but I still need my cup of caffeine.

  3. Going to meditate on this for a bit

    "My understanding of this message is: You no longer resist any aspect of life. You recognize that life happens for you. Everyone and everything in your life is there to help you awaken more completely from the dream; to go from who you are not to the fullness of who you are. You allow life to be as it is and welcome each opportunity to remember your divinity."
