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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Imagination Molds Ideas

When Reverend Linda Martella-Whitsett visited Unity Spiritual Center Denver last month, she spoke at our Sunday service and facilitated a workshop after. You may view her lesson here. I was inspired by her words, but even more so by her presence. She lives the principles and practices that she teaches. She truly shines her Divine Light.

As she shared in her talk and throughout the workshop, her awakening to and expressing her powers did not occur miraculously through some divine dispensation. She used her Power of Will to open to and be willing to accept her Truth, make a conscious choice to say ‘Yes’ to her Divinity, and to stay committed to her practice. In addition, Rev. Linda continues to strengthen her spiritual faculties through conscious application of them, and to embody them by using visualization, meditation and yoga postures.

Her life has been transformed through her personal exploration and discovery of the true nature of The Twelve Powers of Man. She not only speaks the words, “I am the Light of the World,” but she also allows those words to resonate at the depth of her being. She knows herself as that. Rev. Linda employs her power of Imagination to conceive of herself as the Light; she envisions through her thoughts and feelings the presence of herself as the Light, and in doing so she embodies the Light.

I recall her saying during the workshop that the Power of Imagination is like a “super power.” In her book, Divine Audacity, Rev. Linda refers to it as our “primary power.” Imagination is a primary power because we must use Imagination in order to image ourselves activating and strengthening our other powers. As we use the meditations provided in the book as well as the ones I am writing for each power, we must use our Imagination to see the corresponding color for each power and envision those colors in specific areas of our bodies. We also use Imagination to visualize ourselves expressing our powers and using them to manifest all that is in harmony with our divinity.

Rev. Linda reminds us that everything begins with an idea and that all ideas originate in One Mind, also known as God Mind. The One Mind is the Source of all.

The Gospel of John reveals this truth in the opening verse.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (NRSV)

In her book, Rev. Linda states that the Hebrew word translated into English as ‘beginning’ can more accurately be understood as the “head,” “chief,” or “top.” Further, she posits that,

“The headwaters of a river are the starting point or source, just as the source of all ideas is One Mind, out of which all ideas flow. A chief is a principal; One Mind is the principal or leading intelligence informing all ideas. The top is the summit or crown; One Mind is the highest possible source. These shades of meaning lead to the truth that all I could conceive of stems from One Mind, the origin of all that is. The beginning.”

Again, everything originates from the One Mind and begins with a divine idea.
Charles Fillmore, the cofounder of Unity, said,

“Divine ideas are man's inheritance; they are pregnant with all possibility, because ideas are the foundation and cause of all that man desires.” ¹

In prayer and meditation, we join our minds, our consciousness, in the One Mind. In that state of conscious connection, we are receptive to Divine ideas.

Our Power of Imagination allows us to capture those ideas and begin to bring them into manifestation. As Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore stated,

“The imagination is that faculty of mind which images and forms. Everything that is manifest was first a mental picture and was brought into expression by this forming power. Man accumulates a mass of ideas about substance and life, and with his imagination he molds them into shape.” ²

In order to manifest a divine idea in the physical, it must first be created in consciousness. Our Power of Imagination is the creative faculty that allows us to fill our consciousness with images, impressions, thoughts and feelings that shape spiritual substance into forms that mirror divine ideas.

I offer the following affirmation and practice to assist us in awakening our Power of Imagination.

I concentrate my awareness in the center of my brain and envision a sky blue light radiating there. I awaken to my Power of Imagination. I am open and receptive to divine ideas. I capture an image of my Christ nature. I use my power of Imagination to envision ways to express my true nature. I use all my senses to embody the experience of who I truly am. I live my Divine potential. I am the Light of Imagination.

Join us on Sunday at 10:00 as we explore together how we can use our Power of Imagination to capture divine ideas, envision ourselves living our divine potential, and embody our divine nature.

¹ Christian Healing

² Keep a True Lent


  1. As a long time truth student I am enjoying this new book on the 12 powers. The words and projects in Divine Audacity illuminate each of the powers in modern language. Imagination is truly a Spiritual Gift, to be used and stretched, gleaning ideas to share with each other.

  2. I join in the with the many who wish you the happiest birthday, which if memory serves, is today. Happy Birthday David!
