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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Presence

J and I just returned from a visit to Texas where we attended and celebrated his eldest son, Yale’s, college graduation. We enjoyed spending time with family and seeing friends. I also had the honor of speaking and singing at Unity of Dallas this past Sunday.

J’s mother, Virgie, who is an 88-year old lifelong Baptist made the drive down from her home in Oklahoma to join in the family celebration. Saturday, on the drive from the graduation ceremony back to J’s brother’s house, Virgie asked me what I was going to speak about the next day. Although I felt a twinge of apprehension, I told her that the title of my talk was “The Reason for the Season.” I was sure I knew what the follow up question would be. I was not wrong. She then asked, “What is the reason for the season?”

If you read my post from November 25, you might understand my hesitance in discussing with her the content of my talk. Even though she has heard me speak many times and has always complemented me on my lessons, I was reluctant to have an in-depth conversation with her about what I believe to be the reason for the season. I had the idea that she and I would not exactly see eye-to-eye, and I didn’t want to risk disrupting the joy of the weekend. So, I jokingly replied, “Presents, of course. Presents are the reason for the season.” She laughed and we shared a few exchanges about the joys of giving and receiving gifts, as well as our thoughts on the commercialism of Christmas.

Later, as I reflected on my comment, I realized that while I made it in jest and from care and concern for our relationship, that there is actually a depth of truth in it. I don’t mean to imply that I believe that presents are the reason for the season. However, I do believe “Presence is the reason for the season” is a statement of truth.

In my book, In This Moment – Prayers from the Well of Awareness, I use the word ‘Presence’ as a descriptor for that which we might otherwise call God, Universe, One Mind, to name a few. I chose to use ‘Presence’ in my attempt to alleviate some of the resistance many have about the word ‘God.’ In the book I say:

“I use the word Presence to give name to that which is before and beyond thought, thus beyond definition. I cannot attempt to provide even the most rudimentary conceptualized image of Presence, since it is the absolute absence of all form – and yet all form is its life. It is the All as all, yet is no thing that can be quantified. Presence simply is. Presence is the essential – the essence of Being.”

Unity principles teach that there is only One Power and One Presence and that we are that Power and Presence in expression.  This Presence in expression is also what we in Unity call the Christ or the I Am. Christmas is the honoring the Light – Christ – that enlightens everyone coming into manifestation through the one we know as Jesus Christ¹. It is also a celebration of the conscious awareness of the Light of Christ being born in and as each of us.

Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore said,

“The true light (the Christ or Word) that lights every man coming into the world is and ever has been in man...Up to a certain stage in his unfolding man does not recognize this truth; now however, this mystery, which is “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” is being revealed to the race with more and more clarity and with greatly increased power.²”

While is it fun to give and receive them, presents are not the reason for the season. Presence is the reason for the season. The greatest present we can give ourselves is the gift of the conscious awareness of Presence expressing in us, through us and as us.

I share the following prayer from my book as an affirmation you may want to use as you embrace the season.

Presence is living Itself in, through and as me this moment.
I am here as a unique expression of Presence.
In this moment, I choose to release attachment to any thought, idea, concept, or feeling that would keep me from complete acceptance and realization of this truth.
As I release, I open myself to become all that Presence is – I Am – in this moment.
I accept my birthright and all it holds for me. And, so it is.

The next time someone asks you, “What is the reason for the season?” you can with complete assurance say, “Presence, of course” and allow them to draw their own conclusions. 

Please join us on Sunday at our 10:00 service as we come together to celebrate the Power of Presence and Rejoice in the Magic of the Season.

I also encourage you to join us on Christmas Eve for either the 5:00 or 7:00 service. Both services will be filled with story and song as we celebrate a Magical Mystical Christmas.

¹ John 1:9
² Mysteries of John


  1. Now I understand why I have been so focused on staying healthy and being present throughout this holiday season!! Thank you David for this insight. Presence and being present with ourselves & others is everything. Peace & Love.

  2. Christmas is magical for many reasons and on many levels. I am going to do my best to put less brain power into Christmas this year and more of my heart. This way maybe I can love without over thinking. I will pray this year that everyone everywhere gets what is best for their souls and has Merriest Christmas of their lives!

  3. Oh Virgie!! Thank you David, I never thought about using the word Presence as a God-descriptive to mean "God". Maybe I have, but I just found awareness about it through your blog, thank you and merry Christmas, I miss you all - Johnny
