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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Consciousness is Supply

“If a seeming need appears to you, it occurs to your thought. Therefore you are conscious of it. But your Consciousness is the supply, so It cannot really be aware of a need; It can only be conscious of the supply for that which seemed to be a need. The Conscious Supply existed in and as your Consciousness before the so-called need arose. In other words, when some apparent need or desire occurs to you, it is just that your attention has been called to the supply that is already existent. If the supply were not already there, that which has been miscalled the need would not have arisen.” - Marie Watts from The Ultimate, Your Self Revealed

When I read this, my heart leapt for joy. In just a few sentences, Marie Watts answered a question that I have pondered for some time: What is the difference between ‘need,’ ‘want,’ and ‘desire?’ There is no difference - they are all just concepts of a dualistic mind.

She says that in Consciousness there is no need; therefore, we cannot be aware of need. That which we have misperceived as a ‘need’ is, in reality, our conscious awakening to the ever present supply. The supply, infinite as our Consciousness, is the fulfillment of any thought that we have. Most of us, refer to it as a ‘need,’ ‘want,’ or ‘desire.’ At least that is the premise I had assumed until I read this passage.

Imagine removing those concepts from our minds and those words from our vocabulary. For example, what would our experience be if we immediately realize there is no lack when we have the thought, “I need money”? What if, when we see images of starving children or violence, we see only the fulfillment of the ‘needs’ that they represent? What would it be like, if instead of focusing on the thought, we recognize that the thought arose because the supply is already present? No longer would we experience the pain or suffering of an unmet need, an unfulfilled desire or the lack of something wanted. Instead, we would live in the realization that “Consciousness is the supply.”

It is, however, important for us to realize that this Truth does not allow us to abdicate our responsibility to take action. While Consciousness is the supply, it must be brought forth into form through us. It begins with our conscious awareness of it, continues with our willingness to fill our hearts and minds with the realization of it, and culminates as we actively engage in actions to bring it forth into manifestation. Or, as the African proverb says, “When you pray, pray with your feet moving.”

Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore said,

“The law of supply is a divine law. It is a law of mind and must work through mind. God will not go to the store and bring food to your table, but when you continue to think about God as your real supply, everything in your mind begins to awaken and to contact the divine substance, and as you mold it in your consciousness, ideas begin to come which will connect you with the visible manifestation.”¹ [italics mine]

I hope you are as excited as I am about the unlimited possibilities that this Truth reveals. We are not limited by any outer condition or circumstance. We cannot be aware of a ‘need’ for which there is not already the divine supply.

Join us on Sunday at 10:00 as we explore how we can embrace and live from this truth individually and collectively as a church community and in our shared humanity with all.

¹ Prosperity, Page 68

1 comment :

  1. My wants and desires are as infinite as the Universe because it is my nature to want and desire. My needs, in my experience, have always come with a neatly wrapped gift waiting for my little hands to unwrap. My life is the collection of experiences I have wanted to have and so I look for the gift that each need is trying to give to me. I know there is a gift there for me to find in every need; kind of like perpetual Christmas.
