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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Booted In The Booty

We just never know where our spiritual lessons and insights are going to come from.

While at the gym this morning, I was walking on the treadmill and listening to an audiobook when my attention was drawn to a program on one of the many television monitors facing me. The program was about parking enforcement in a major city. This is not something that would normally capture my interest, yet I was intrigued. I was not listening to the audio from the program, nor was I able to read the closed captioning. Still, I had no problem interpreting the energy that was being directed at the parking enforcement officers from those being cited.

Whether it was live or dramatized I’m not sure, but it appeared to be captured live. The segment showed several incidences where the officers were “booting” illegally parked vehicles. The “boots” prevent the cars from being moved. After the vehicle has been “booted” a tow truck is called to remove it, and it is impounded. The owner must pay a fine to recover the vehicle.

Again, I was not listening to the dialog, but I could tell that in every instance the owner of the booted vehicle was indignant and treated the enforcement officers with disdain. Rather than take responsibility, each of them blamed the officers for their predicament. They were defiant in their resistance to facing the consequences of their actions.

You may be asking, “What was the spiritual lesson in that?”

I can see in me the indignant defiance of those whose vehicles were booted when I feel stuck and unable (or unwilling) to move from where I am. I can see in me the attitude of being a victim of others or of the world. I can see in me the tendency to want a quick fix for the life circumstances that I co-create through the energy of my thoughts, feelings, words and actions. I can see in me reticence to take responsibility for my creations.

It was a perfect and present reminder for me that I am solely responsible for my creations and that I must be responsive to them. While I would love to have someone else rescue me from my occasional complacency or apathy, I realize that I am the one in control, and only I can save myself. I am the only one who can take charge of my energy signature (listen to my talk from August 26 or watch it below) and make the changes necessary to move forward in my life.

The Universe, like the parking enforcement officers, simply shows up and provides me with the demonstrations (or consequences) of the energy signature I have proclaimed and the choices I have made. It does me no good to rage at the Universe. Well, it might do me a little good. Raging does help to release some of the built-up energy. As long as it is not directed at another person, raging can be cleansing.

As I said, this is not a program I would normally watch, yet I am grateful that I was open and receptive to the message it held for me this morning. I was “booted in the booty.”

When I tell myself I am stuck; when I feel a lack of motivation; when I feel disconnected from my Source, my self and from others; when I feel apathetic; when I am complacent and resigned; when I feel like my life has been “booted” by something external to me, it is time for me to stop, breathe and take stock. It is time for me to take responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions. It is time for me to assess my energy signature and take the necessary steps to shift it.

My practice this morning –

Take time to write this post as a means of self-connection and reflection.

Breathe consciously and deeply to help move energy through my body.

Align my mind with the Truth of my being by affirming -

I am now attuned to the energy of the indwelling Christ.

Moving down the body, I attune each center in the energy of Christ.
  • ·       I Know with the Mind of Christ (crown chakra)
  • ·       I See through the Eyes of Christ (third eye chakra)
  • ·       I Hear with the Ears of Christ (mouth of God chakra)
  • ·       I Speak with the Voice of Christ (throat chakra)
  • ·       I Will the Will of Christ (will center, top of chest)
  • ·       I Love with the Heart of Christ (heart chakra)
  • ·       I Feel with the Soul of Christ (solar plexus chakra)
  • ·       I Create with the Love of Christ (sacral chakra)
  • ·       I Live as the Life of Christ (root chakra)

I am the Christ of God made flesh.

From a place of connection in mind, body and spirit, I can then move forward with energy, inspiration and enthusiasm to create with passion and excitement. I join with Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore and proclaim…

I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and spring forth with a mighty faith to do all the things that ought to be done by me.

Join us on Sunday at 10:00 for our service at Unity Spiritual Center Denver. I will do my best to answer your questions during my normal lesson time. It is "Ask A Minister" Sunday. 

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