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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Heart Knowing

I recently began a writing practice in which I ask questions of my inner knower and type responses as they come to me. I have found that, other than correcting spelling and a few grammar errors, these require few edits. I will be sharing them occasionally.

The following is from a session in which I questioned how I can know truth. I have italicized the answers for the sake of clarity.

We are each an emanation of the Life Principle, and we, in our human condition, are always making our way back home. The creation story in Genesis is someone’s understanding of the Truth of our condition as human beings. We are “children” of God, or expressions of God, or God in expression.

Can we be Principle in expression?

We are Principle in conscious awareness of Itself as Itself. We are the subjective consciousness of that which exists in Principle. And, we as human beings bring awareness to it. We are the leading edge of the Consciousness of creation and we, through our conscious expression, expand the creation story.

What is true?

I do not want to continue to regurgitate the information I have learned. I want to know what is true and I want to understand what is true. I don’t want to keep using the same old terminology for what is true if it is just repeating what I have heard from others. Or, if I am going to use the same old terminology I want to understand the deeper meaning of it.

I affirm: I am in my Knowing of what is true.

Drop from your thinking mind into your heart. It is not the mind as you think of the mind that asks the questions that can be answered with truth. The heart asks the questions of Truth. What is your heart asking? Allow your heart to open and ask the question.

The only question the heart asks is, “Is it true?”

The heart knows what is true. The heart does not need to ask. The heart is the point at which you are in your knowing. Your heart is the point at which you are connected to deep truth.

You know Truth in the moment that you are open and receptive to receive Truth.

Maybe your head wants to know how you can be more open to the wisdom of the heart. Maybe you really want to know how to stay more heart-centered in your daily activities so that you are living from the heart and not so much from the head thinking, the old paradigm, the customary way of being in the world. Maybe your heart wants to express.


You must practice breathing into the heart, feeling the energy of the heart and allowing the energy of the heart to have its way. There is no boundary in the heart. The boundaries arise in the head thinking, the things that you have learned that are not true. There are so many things you have learned about yourself, about the world around you and about God that are so far removed from the Truth that they have separated you from knowing what it true.

Spend more time focusing in the heart and you will know Truth. You will know Truth in every moment that you are open and receptive to it. You know what you need to know when you need to know it. You know everything in the moment.

Fear generated in the mind keeps you from recognizing the Truth when it is revealed to you. Fear creates a smoke screen, as it were, that blocks your ability to see and experience love clearly.

I have heard it said that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. What is false evidence?

It is lies. It is untruth. When you believe the lies and think that what is untrue is truth, then you fear.

You are making real what is not and can never be real. You make it real by allowing it a place in your consciousness.

You must be willing to question everything, even those things that you have believed for a long time, even those teachings that have be empowering for you. They may have served you at one time, but now can be transcended.

Do you know that your spiritual path is much like your human maturing journey?

You start with the basics and build upon that. The trouble is that so often many of you stop at the basics and do not build upon it. You say “I know how to add 2 and 2,” but you do not realize that you may also need to know how to expand into multiplication, division and even calculus.

How far do you want to go in your realization and acceptance of the truth of who and what you are?

That is a question that you must ask yourself and answer it honestly. How far do you want to go in your realization of the Truth of who and what you are? How empowered do you really want to be? How much self-responsibility do you really want to assume for your life and the life of this planet? Those are all valid questions that you are being asked to answer now. Do you really want to know the Truth? Can you handle the Truth?

Yes, I want to know the Truth. I want to realize the truth of my being and the being of all.

Then, listen to your heart.

What do you mean, listen to my heart? How do I listen to my heart in a way that is going to help me to realize the truth?

We are not speaking of the physical heart. We are speaking of the heart as it relates to that first impulse of life that lived itself forward as you. There is consciousness in every atom, in every cell. There is consciousness in the ovum and in the sperm. There is consciousness in every living thing. And there is life in every living thing. The same life is living in every living thing. And everything is living whether you realize that or not. Even this keyboard that is receiving the tap tap tap of your fingers is living. It has life and it is vibrating at a frequency whether you are aware of it or not.

Do you understand the miracle of creation that you are and that all living things are? Do you understand the miracle of that spark of life that lives as you and as me and as all creation?

That is what we mean when we say listen to the heart. It is there at the center of your being.

What do you mean by ‘being?’

We do not mean a physical being or a body. When we say being, we might better use the world ‘Beingness.’ It is the livingness of that which is you, that which is uniquely you. It is the self-livingness of the Creative Principle that is uniquely you and that is the heart.

At the heart of your Beingness you are aware of your connection with Creative Principle, thus aware of your connection with all that is living. And in that conscious connection you know what is yours to do in every moment to be in service to that Creative Principle; to serve yourself, all others and all creation to which you are tied and are a part.

When we talk about listening to your heart, we are not talking about listening to the self or to a higher power or to guides, teachers and masters, or angels, etc. We are talking about listening for the heart of Creation and hearing your part in it in every moment. For every moment is alive and the energy is moving in and through you and all that you witness. You are all that you see, you cannot be a separate self any longer and you must open yourself to the realization that you are not and have never been thus. You, in your heart awareness, are all of creation playing your unique role in its unfolding.

In watching the television show, "Travelers," last night you saw that the “master” sent messengers in the form of children and others, to deliver messages to the travelers who were from another time and place. In a similar way that is what happens when you listen to the heart. The heart will keep you on track, on purpose, on mission. Do you remember that the messengers were there to help the travelers stay on mission? The travelers knew what their mission was. Do you know what your mission is?

You first need to know the mission in order to know if you are on task with the mission.

Your mission is to do what is yours to do to serve God, or to serve Creative Principle. You do not need to know any more than that, even though that is difficult for you to accept because you want to see the entire picture. You want a roadmap for what to do and how to get there. You have to trust that the heart will guide you step by step along the way if you will only listen to it.

You know how to listen to it. You know when you have been in the Heart Knowing. You have a perfect touchstone in the knowing you received about coming to Denver.

The knowing of the heart does not always fill you with excitement and enthusiasm. Sometimes the knowing of the heart will tell you that what the ego wants or thinks it wants is not on mission for you or for others.

You must keep conscious of the knowing that it is not about YOU. It is about serving the greater good of all creation. You are in service and you have given yourself to that service. Listen to the heart, not the head when it comes to making your decisions.  When you do that and follow your Knowing, you may not always love where you end up, but you will know that you are living in a state of grace that allows you to serve the highest good for all creation even if it is uncomfortable or even painful for you personally.

Continue to affirm “I am in my Heart Knowing” and listen for the answers that come. You may even want to imagine that you are listening to the vibrational frequency of that spark of Light, an emanation of God that is the beginning of all creation thus the beginning of your creation, but more so to that spark of creation that was the beginning of your incarnation in this lifetime. You are a part of all creation and are serving it moment by moment.

So, back to the creation story in Genesis. The writer(s) of that story told the story allegorically of the human condition, thus your condition. And, you are waiting for a place or a time or some point in the future when you will return to the garden, when you will rediscover the place of walking and talking in harmony with God, Creative Principle. Unfortunately, that story has been misunderstood.

You have never left the garden except in your mind. Your heart still abides in the garden, you just have to let your head remember that. You abide eternally in the garden, the consciousness of all good, and you will never be separate from it. Remember that, and all your thoughts, words and actions will be in alignment with it.

Stop before you speak or act and check in with the heart of you. What is the Truth? Teach the truth. Speak the Truth. Act from the Truth. And you will manifest and demonstrate in alignment with that Truth in every moment of every day. Return to the garden now, know your communion with Creative Principle and know that you ever walk in that Truth.


  1. I have read this piece three times now. I will read it at least one more time. That said, there are thoughts in this piece that are still light years over my head. I'm working on them. My question at this time concerns my Beingness.

    My Beingness, my consciousness, whatever it is that makes me uniquely me, will it ever not exist?

    That spark of light that is uniquely me, right now loves baseball and ice cream. That spark of light that is uniquely me may decide I no longer enjoys baseball and ice cream, even come to the conclusion that I hate baseball and ice cream. But right now I love them.

    Will that Beingness, Consciousness, spark of light, that makes me uniquely me, ever have a time again that it does not have the ability to decide what I enjoy, what I love, what I want to do?

    I may be misguided, even totally wrong about the creation process as I understand it. I make no claims on truth or what knowing and understand reality. However, I do believe I will never cease to be uniquely me. God gave me my consciousness, my spark of light, my individuality to be uniquely me so that I perform something in this life to build on the knowingness/beingness of the Universe. I can accept that. I am even able and willing to work toward that end.

    But if God is going to take away that spark of light, that consciousness, that thing that makes me uniquely me, at any point in the course of eternity, then I am no longer grateful. If there is ever a point that my consciousness ceases to exist independently, so will my gratitude. God then, is less than I need God to be. Perhaps God should have never created me if my creation was only temporary.

    I DO NOT believe God will ever take away the thing that makes me uniquely me. I believe I will continue into eternity, infinity and beyond. So will everyone. Believing my separateness will continue into eternity makes me incredibly grateful for the uniqueness and light I have been given thus making me want to share it with every being on the planet, even President Trump. I want to make my life better, and I believe that the only way I can make my life better is to make everyone’s life better, including the keyboard I am typing this on.

    While I only have an infinitesimally small amount of the answers to life, the universe and everything, if I am so wrong on the reality of my uniqueness, I will have to question every belief I have at this time, including sharing with the President. My wish is that we continue into eternity and beyond, even if I’m delusional.

    1. I see what's appearing here, in your case the one who loves baseball and ice cream, as only one facet of a multifaceted and even multidimensional diamond. It's not that we will lose anything but rather awaken to the allness that we are.

  2. Thanks for sharing this David. Vicky said just a couple of days ago to sit with myself and see what comes up regarding my job search process. Your guidance helps to clarify the process for me.
