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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Power of Love

This past Sunday I talked about the power of Love during my lesson at Unity Spiritual Center Denver. You may listen to that lesson here. Because I feel so strongly that this is a timely and important message, I chose to summarize my talk in this post. I would enjoy connecting with you around how this article lands with you so I hope you will let me know your reaction.

When we talk about Love as one of the Twelve Powers of Man, we are not talking about an emotion or an experience we have with another. We are, instead, referring to a spiritual power that we all possess. It is one of our spiritual faculties that we can employ in order to live from our Divine nature and manifest a world that reflects the qualities of the Divine – Peace, Love and Joy.

In our exploration of the Twelve Powers we are using Rev. Linda Martella-Whisett’s book, Divine Audacity. In her book, Rev. Linda encourages us to make the audacious claim that we are “The Light of the World,” ¹ as our way shower Jesus Christ taught us. Further, she encourages us to live more fully and authentically from our Divine nature by exercising our Twelve Powers.

Our power of Love is our ability to magnetize, harmonize and unify.²

I invite you to take a moment and enter into a quite space. Breathe deeply and exhale fully. Repeat this deep cleansing breath three times. Now, use the following as a meditation on Love.

I breathe into my heart space and envision a soft pink light. I activate my power of Love. Centered in Love, I see all with the eyes of the Christ. We are One. I bring harmony to my world as I align my thoughts, words, and actions to Love. I attract myself to people, places and circumstances for the sake of Love. I am Love.

Now that you have awakened to and activated your power of Love, feel the resonate energy in your heart space. Allow your mind to rest in the awareness that you are the energy of Love vibrating in this moment. Repeat to yourself, as a mantra, “I am Love.” Allow your mind to be filled with the energy of Love, knowing that “perfect Love casts out all fear.”³ Know that in this moment all thoughts of separation that ignite fear are cast out in the presence of Love. In this moment, know that you are One in and as the Divine. As you know this for yourself, know it for all others and for all creation. Say to yourself and to all those who come to mind, “I Am; You Are I Am.” Repeat this affirmation until the Truth of it is realized in your being. Through your willingness and affirmation, the power of Love is now renewing your mind and restoring you to the conscious state of union in God and with all. You know Unity. You are Unity.

In the consciousness of Unity, use the power of Love to harmonize any thoughts, words or actions that might be out of alignment with Love. Fully aware of any dissonant thought vibrations, feel the tension that is created between the vibration of Love within your heart and any thought, word or action that is stimulated by fear. Use the power of Love to realign and adjust so that harmony is restored. Behold each of the dissonant vibrations bathed in the light pink energy of Love. Allow Love to transmute and dissipate them. You are now in harmonic resonance with the Love that you are in all that you think, say and do. As you continue to focus on the power of Love in your heart, you draw yourself to people, places and situations that give you the opportunity to know yourself in Love. The power of Love, acting as you, reveals to you your Divine nature in and through every person you meet, and through every life experience you encounter. Love reveals to you who you truly are. Love reveals to you, even in the midst of what might appear as tragedy, the Truth of who you are. Know and trust that every circumstance, when seen through the eyes of Love, is an opportunity to remember your Truth and the Truth of all.

This is especially important at this time in our history as a nation. We are witnessing what appears to be a great deal of tension, dissonance that is created from thoughts, words and actions that are stimulated from fear. We are all feeling it because we are all participants in the collective consciousness called “America.” We are all a part of it. And, we are all responsible for it. We must be responsible to it as well. It is easy for us to point fingers at others and say “they should be” or “they shouldn’t be.” It is easy for us to place the blame on others. Please know that what we blame, we fear. What we criticize, we fear. What we judge, we fear. And, fear can only stimulate more fear. Only Love can cast out fear. It is our power of Love that enables us to do just that.

We must be the ones who are willing to make the difference. If we are not part of the solution, then we continue to be a part of the problem. It is the consciousness of fear that has created and continues to manifest the divisiveness we are currently experiencing. If we are buying into it, then we are helping to foster it.

No, you and I are not responsible for the entire consciousness of America. We are, however, responsible for our own consciousness. And, our individual consciousness impacts the whole. I am encouraging each of us to take responsibility for our own thoughts, words and actions. It is imperative, as we move through this current election cycle, that we make a commitment to ourselves and to our country to become more consciously aware of when we are thinking thoughts or speaking words of criticism or damnation against anyone, including the candidate(s) we most dislike. We must be part of the healing energy of Love so that the wounds of the past few months can be mended. We must be the ones who are willing to stop, breathe and remember to invoke the power of Love to bring us into a remembered state of Unity with God and with each other, to harmonize our thoughts, words and actions in the power of Love and to use the power of Love to attract into our lives and the lives of all only that which is a reflection of Love, not fear.

Please join me in claiming the power of Love today in your own hearts and choosing to see all through the eyes of Love. Let us, “Be the change we wish to see and experience in the world.”⁴ May we be the ones to bring the kingdom of heaven upon the earth through the power of Love.

¹ Matthew 5:14
² Divine Audacity, Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett
³ I John 4:18

⁴ Attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, see reference

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