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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Vibration is Everything!

While some are aware, others may not know that every Thursday morning I facilitate a Zoom call for a small group of intentional participants in an experience that I call Conscious Connections.’ During these sessions, I often bring forth messages from Spirit to help guide us all in more fully connecting with and embodying the power within. 

During a recent session, a participant was concerned about a situation in their life and asked for some guidance about how to handle it. The message that came through from Spirit was clear and powerful. I found the message to be helpful and thought I would share it here because others might too.

The following is transcribed from that session with punctuation added for clarification.

We see so much of the struggle that you encounter in this physical space; and your questioning; and your doubting; and your wondering; and wanting to know, wanting to understand, wanting to do what is right, wanting to help others, wanting to experience the joy, wanting to experience peace of mind, wanting to experience the understanding of what it means to be human and divine; what it means to be in these temporal forms and what it means to be an eternal beingness and how we come together in that awareness of who we are; what we are and how we live in these human forms and how we bring forth into this human experience, higher knowing. There are many questions that happen in the physical experience for you trying to figure it out.

And what we would say to you is that your opportunity is to focus on your own vibrational frequency. Do you see when you are worried, when you are struggling, when you are concerned, when you are trying to figure it all out - you are in this place of worry, you are in a lower vibrational frequency and you are, therefore, creating more of the same.

The master teacher, Jesus, said, do not worry. It cannot add anything to your life. It cannot add anything to your life! It cannot help you have power. It cannot help you have peace. It cannot help you have joy. It cannot help you have anything that you desire. Worry, doubt, confusion cannot help you have anything that you desire to experience in your life. If you are desiring to experience peace of mind, if you are desiring to experience joy, if you are desiring to experience love, stop seeking any control over the outer experience and focus on controlling your inner experience.

Focus on controlling your own energy frequency. We want to say to you clearly that your vibrational frequency is your only concern. We are saying to you, do not seek outside yourself any condition that is going to help you to feel peace. Do not seek outside yourself any condition that is going to help you feel joy. Do not seek outside yourself anything, because the things of the world around you cannot, never will, satisfy the deepest longing of your soul. All that you are seeking is within you.

All that you are seeking is within your own control of your own thinking, your own feeling. You have dominion in your life over these things. You may think that you do not. You may think that you are victim of others. You may think that you are a victim of situations. You may think that someone else can make you feel or create a feeling within you. We would say to you that you are giving away your power to another or another situation. We would say to you, your only, your only focus must always be your own vibrational frequency. That is it! As you are in the vibrational frequency of joy know that you will bring into your awareness, be drawn into your awareness, into your life experience that which reflects joy, but joy is not something that you find in the external. It is something that is reflected to you in the external because you have chosen to experience it.

If you want to experience peace of mind, bring yourself into the vibrational frequency of peace of mind. Then what you will perceive in your outer will reflect the vibrational frequency that you have attained within yourself.

So many of you are seeking something outside of yourself to give you that which you want, to give you that which you are seeking. Seek within and you will find. Ask within and it is given. Knock within and that door of peace and joy and abundance and all that you can possibly imagine is given unto you, as you come into the awareness that you are it. It is about your willingness to be that which you wish to experience.

We want to remind you that that is your power, that you are empowered to choose. We know as you look upon your world, when you look upon your situations, when you look upon your own particular life experience, you see things that are disturbing to you. You see things that are disturbing unto your mind, but do you understand that you cannot transform anything on the outer from a place of worry. You cannot transform anything on the outer from a place of fear. You only can transform anything on the outer by attaining a vibrational frequency of that which you wish to experience.


Scripture tells us that we are given dominion over the things of the earth, which metaphysically we understand to be our thoughts and feelings. We are not given dominion over others or over the conditions of the world. However, a consciousness focused on the power of God within us will not only transform us but will also transform the world.

Let us find our own peace, love and joy within by focusing on our personal vibrational frequency so that we can be the peace, the love, and the joy we wish to see in the world!


  1. Oh I just love this “Let us find our own peace, love and joy within by focusing on our personal vibrational frequency so that we can be the peace, the love, and the joy we wish to see in the world!”. YesπŸ™πŸ’₯😍

  2. Exactly what I need to remember!
