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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Clean Gutters

Recently, during a heavy rain, J and I noticed that water was spilling out over the edge of the gutters in the front of our house. After the rain stopped, J climbed up the ladder to assess the issue. Not surprisingly, he found that the opening at the top of the downspout was clogged with leaves and other debris. (Needless to say, we are not the best at cleaning the gutters). When he reached in and removed the blockage, water and sludge gushed out of the downspout opening the way for the gutter to release the water that had accumulated.

I thought, “What a great metaphor for life!” We are meant to be clear, open channels through which Spirit flows abundantly and effortlessly. Yet, we often allow our thoughts of lack and limitation and our beliefs in separation to block that flow.

When gutters are not cleared and water is allowed to back up, the water can cause damage to the structural integrity of the house. In a similar way, when left to collect, the debris of negativity and fear in the world around us can create blockages in our hearts and minds that can manifest as illness in the body and/or suffering in our minds and emotions.

It is vitally important that we keep our channels open to allow for the eternal flow of Spirit in and through our lives. We can do that through our daily practices of prayer, meditation, and visualization.

I have recorded a guided visualization to assist you in clearing your energy field and opening to the purity of the Divine Light of Spirit. I hope it is helpful. I encourage you to use it daily to keep your channel open and flowing with all the power that Spirit is expressing as you.