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Thursday, March 3, 2022

A Time of Letting Go

This past Wednesday was the beginning of Lent. In traditional Christianity, Lent is observed as a time for sacrifice, penitence, repentance and self-denial. It is a common practice in Catholicism as well as many Protestant traditions for adherents to abstain from eating meat, other foods, or to give up certain behaviors as means of demonstrating self-sacrifice. They purportedly encourage this practice in order to honor the pain, suffering and sacrifice of Jesus.

In Unity, however, we teach that Lent is, as cofounder Charles Fillmore stated, “A season of spiritual growth, a time for progressive unfoldment.” ¹ We do not focus on the aspects of sacrifice; rather, we observe Lent as a time for releasing and letting go of the thoughts and the resulting behaviors that limit the unfoldment of our true nature – Christ.

On Monday morning during my meditation time, it came to me as knowing that now is a time of purification which requires letting go. Immediately, my mind went to, “What more do I have to let go of?” “What if I don’t want to let go?” “Is letting go going to be painful?” Fear crept in. I immediately felt my resistance.

Fortunately, I was willing to remain seated on my meditation cushion, breathe deeply, reclaim center, and remain open to the messages that followed. The first was that we are always free to choose. Further, that the only choice we are asked to make is whether or not we are willing and ready now to awaken to our Christ nature. When we answer ‘YES’ we open to allow the Universe to support us in our decision.

The messages continued with the knowing that we do not need to work at letting go. We only need invite the awareness of our Christ nature to awaken in our hearts and minds through the practice of prayer, meditation and contemplation. We need only, as the master teacher Jesus instructed, “Seek first the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33), and to know that the “Kingdom of God is within” (Luke 17:21).

As Mr. Fillmore also stated, “When we can blend and merge our mind with God-Mind the way is open for the Lord [the Spiritual activity of the I Am, the Christ²] to glorify us and to lift us into a higher, purer, more spiritual state.” ¹ We then attract into our life all that reflects and supports our expanded awareness. All that is not in harmony with our “higher, purer, more spiritual state” will fall away because we will no longer be attracting it to us. We do not need to know what we must release. It will be revealed to us as we are ready to know it. Further, letting go will only be painful if we attempt to hold on to that which is no longer in resonance with us.

Lent, for us, is not a time of self-sacrifice. It is a season of awakening to a greater awareness of the true Self, the Christ in expression. It is also a time of surrender, to truly “Let go, and Let God.” We are asked to let go of our resistance and allow the life of Christ, the full potential of our true nature, to live in and as us.

This Lenten season especially is a time of letting go and letting God, not only for me as I leave my role as senior minister, but for all of us. That we are observing Lent seems divinely ordained.

If we welcome it, Lent can offer us an opportunity, individually and collectively, to truly let go of our limited ideas about ourselves, to release our judgments of others, to forgive those who have stimulated pain for us, to yield to the Truth of the divine nature expressing as us and as all creation.

If we are to experience the “spiritual growth and progressive unfoldment” that Mr. Fillmore spoke about, we must be willing to let go of what we have allowed to restrict the fullness of who and what we are so that a new awareness can arise and we can give birth to the newness of life that is seeking expression in, through, and as us.

I have been called by the voice of Spirit within to question limiting beliefs about myself, my ideas of what it means to be a “minister,” my fear of speaking my truth, and many other thoughts, beliefs and patterns of behavior that I have allowed to suppress my complete acceptance of my Christ nature and to live it.

Even though it is not always easy or pleasant, I know that it must be done so something new and amazing can be formed in me and express as me. I know the same is true for all of us.

I invite and encourage each of us to take this time to practice honest self-reflection and embrace the willingness to question, “Am I willing to let go and let God have expression as me, even if I don’t understand what is being asked of me or why?” Answer authentically. No one else needs to know the answer. We are not doing this for others, although others will benefit. We are doing it for ourselves. To free ourselves. And to free the Christ within.

Additionally, for those who are part of Unity Spiritual Center Denver specifically, I invite you to question what you are willing to let go of as a spiritual community so that you can be free to more fully express and live in the fullness of who you have come here to be.

Indeed, this is a time of purification and transformation, not only for me, but for this community. There are great things in store for USCD. I know it! I encourage you all to invite awareness of what needs to be released so you can soar to new heights and bring your collective Christ Light to the world in ways that you have yet to imagine.

As I let go of my role as your senior minister, I do so knowing that it is the right thing at the right time. Even though it is not an easy thing to let go of, I trust that I am on my path of “spiritual growth and continual unfoldment.” I do not yet know where that will lead me. For now, I am content (well mostly) to be right where I am and wait for what is next to unfold in perfect divine order. I will continue to listen. I will continue to let go. I will continue to do my best to follow where I am led. I trust you to do the same.

I am grateful for my time as your spiritual leader and for your love and support along the way. You will always be in my heart wherever this road may lead.


¹ Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

² The Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore


  1. A time of letting go is also a time of opening new doors. We trust we are ready for the next journey in our spiritual path. Spirit is always on the journey with us and it is important to trust in that even when it seems we are "giving something up" another door opens. Indeed, we are blessed!

  2. As the saying goes "when one door closes another opens". The way of the journey changes, however, we trust that the next journey will be just as rewarding as the last. Faith is sometimes fragile, but in the end it is that faith that leads us to where we are supposed to go. We are blessed! Indeed we are blesssed!
