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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Fear, Love and God

In my post this week, I share some thoughts about fear from a piece I wrote several years ago in response to a question from a congregant. After a Sunday service, he asked, “Didn’t God create fear and isn’t it sometimes a good thing?”

I have shared many times that I enjoy living in the question, seeking a deeper understanding of life and truth. I often find that living in the question stimulates more question than answers. But, since I enjoy living in the question that is what I have done the past few days.

I am excited to share some of my revelations with you. Please know that I fully realize that this is a complex question and that what follows may seem to be an oversimplification. I offer it as a starting point for dialog, not as a definitive answer.

What is ‘God’?

First, it is essential to know what we believe about God. No concept that our subjective minds can conceive of can capture the essence of that which is infinite. Our finite minds cannot grasp infinity. Although we do our best to express our experience of God, all attempts are nothing more than “vain imaginations.” ¹ As it says in the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching, the wisdom teaching of Chinese master Lao Tzu, states “the name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.” ² All words are merely symbols that we use to convey concepts. They are limiting and potentially restrict our experience of that which we are attempting to describe.

‘God,’  as I use the word, is a symbol for Life Energy, the Spirit and Substance which is no thing, yet is All; is formless, yet is the foundation for all form; is infinite yet can be experienced by the finite in our individuated conscious awareness.

Does God create?

Charles Fillmore, the cofounder of Unity, when talking about creation made the following statements, (Note: I have capitalized ‘Ideas’ when the term refers to Ideas of God Mind.)

“Created” means “ideated”…God does not create the visible universe directly, as a person makes a concrete pavement, but God creates the Ideas [emphasis mine] that are used by God’s intelligent “image and likeness” to make the universe. Thus, God’s creations are always spiritual.” ³

“God is a great mind reservoir that has to be tapped by the human mind [“God’s intelligent image and likeness”] and poured into invisibility through human thought or word.” ⁴

“Divine Ideas are man's inheritance; they are pregnant with all possibility, because Ideas are the foundation and cause of all that man desires.” ⁵

“Man's inheritance from God is Divine Ideas. These Ideas find expression, and the expression forms what man calls his good. Back of the expression is the Idea.” ³

I understand Mr. Fillmore to say that God, as we understand God, “created” a spiritual universe consisting solely of Divine Ideas. He uses the word “ideated” to make the distinction between what we think of as manifest creation, matter and the material world, and the realm of Spirit and Substance, which is formless. He also says that these Divine Ideas are the “foundation and cause for all that man desires.” Further, that these Ideas find expression in what we call our good.

In summary, God is the Source of Divine Ideas that exemplify the possibility for all that we desire to experience. When we allow Divine Ideas to fill our minds, focus our awareness on them, and take action inspired by them, we bring into manifestation that which embodies the potential of those Ideas.

What is fear?

Psychology would tell us that fear is an emotional response stimulated by an actual or perceived threat to something we value. From a spiritual perspective, fear is an emotional response stimulated by thoughts and beliefs that are not in alignment with Divine Ideas.

Did God create fear?

Given the forgoing, I would have to say, ‘No, God did not create fear.’ God ideated a spiritual universe of Divine Ideas. I cannot conceive of ‘fear’ as a Divine Idea. Using Mr. Fillmore’s criteria, it neither forms the foundation for what we desire nor is it an expression of what I call my good. This is stated beautifully in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind.”

Is fear sometimes beneficial?

Fear is beneficial when we allow it to inform us of when we are out of alignment with Divine Ideas. As human beings, we are endowed with what Abraham-Hicks calls an Emotional Guidance System. Stated in my words, our emotions inform us whether or not our thoughts are in alignment with Divine Ideas. When we feel fear, which may be experienced as anxiety, dread, worry, and the like, we are entertaining thoughts, or ideas, that are not Divine Ideas.

Conversely, when we are feeling love, which may be experienced as warmth, compassion, openness, and the like, our thinking is in harmony with Divine Ideas. Fear is helpful when we allow it to let us know when our thinking is in need of adjustment.

Also, fear, as an emotional response to an actual threat can be helpful. It can motivate us to take action to protect ourselves or another from harm.

How do we return from fear to love?

In the frequency of perfect Love which is a Divine Idea, there is no fear.⁶ Mr. Fillmore offers the following suggestion for moving from fear to love.

“If you are given to worry and anxiety, think about the fearless confidence and trust of the Spirit. This will at once relieve your mind of the thoughts that have stirred you, and the power of the Spirit will begin its work of straightening out your affairs. If you are overwhelmed with material work and the call of the outer world, stop and concentrate in the I AM and say: "I am Spirit. I do not believe in matter or material conditions. I have power, because I know that all power is in Divine Mind. Divine Mind now sets my thoughts and all my affairs in divine order, and I rest in the confidence and peace of the kingdom within." 7

An Invitation

I would love to know your thoughts about the ideas presented here. What is your experience of fear? What helps you to return to love from fear?


¹ Romans 1:21

² Translation by Stephen Mitchell

³ Mysteries of Genesis

⁴ Jesus Christ Heals

⁵ Christian Healing

⁶ 1 John 4:18

7 Atom Smashing Power of Mind


  1. After reading this essay, I thought of a new acronym for FEAR; Forgot Everything About Reality. Our teachers tell us that God and his creation are perfect and eternal, all good. That's Reality. The appearance of pain and suffering in the material world is an illusion. Fear is a sign that we have forgotten the truth of God's unconditional Love that is always present in every moment of our lives.
    For myself, whenever I feel any fear coming into consciousness, the first step is to acknowledge it, see it as it is. I've learned there is no point in denying how I feel; But if I let go and let it flow through me, on the other side there is peace. The second step is to call upon the Christ within, to replace the fear with that knowledge of God's Love. The Gospel teaching tells us, The Father within knows of what you need before you ask" (Matt 6:8). Healing fear is a natural result of trusting the Spirit within.
