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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Faith in the Process

I have several decks of oracle cards that I consult from time to time when I am seeking guidance from Spirit. I know that some people have resistance to such things and may frown on me accessing the “occult” in this way. In the past, I have had judgment about it as well.

Now, however, I know that all is One and the One is All. While I can connect directly with Spirit through meditation and entering the silence, Spirit can and does communicate through many channels, including oracle cards at times.

Earlier this week, I sat in meditation and asked Spirit to reveal to me the message that I needed most to hear and take to heart at this time in my life. I shuffled my deck, Sacred Rebels, by Alana Fairchild and pulled out a card. (I recommend any of her decks for those who are interested.) The card I pulled was titled “Faith in the Process.”

The lesson begins,

No matter how powerful we are, how much courage and strength we have, there are times when we can’t quite move ourselves along to the next phase of life or creative exploration. At such times we need some divine intervention – a little help in pulling our trolley along, so to speak. When we are at the edge of our own limits and have no more personal resources, we might be left with only one spiritual power, that of faith. Fortunately, that is enough.

The message from Spirit spoke to me deeply about the spiritual power of Faith – the power to know beyond the mind that God/Universe/Source/Life Energy (I use the word ‘God’ for simplicity) is benevolent and is the power beyond our human limitations.

As the Apostle Paul described it,

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of thing not seen"
(Hebrews 11:1)

Faith is not a magical power that we wield to get what we want. It is an active state of mind and heart that we must cultivate and strengthen. While it is an innate faculty, Faith requires our willingness and capacity to exercise it.

We must open our hearts to hope. Hope is a belief of mind and a knowing of heart that our lives and the conditions of the world can and will transform for the better when we affect change in our personal consciousness and thereby affect positive transformation in the collective human consciousness.

We must be willing to open our spiritual eyes to see beyond the conditions and behold the action of God in and through any and all circumstances. Through the power of Faith, we choose to witness the heart and the unseen hand of God.

We must have faith during the process of transformation as we move through whatever life brings our way.

We must exercise Faith in the process – the evolutionary impulse of Life toward conscious reunion in Oneness with God – at all times, especially when it may appear that circumstances are dire. We must have Faith as we trust in the benevolence of God to bring us home to love no matter how things may appear or how we may be tempted to judge otherwise. 

Ultimately, Faith is the conviction of mind and heart, the consciousness that is beyond doubt and without fear that God, the Absolute Good, is the All as all. We can rest in the assurance that even though we may not yet see it in manifest form, our hope is certain.

Call upon the unseen power in which we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28) through prayer, meditation, oracle cards, or other channels. Have faith in God. Have faith in the process.

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