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Thursday, September 2, 2021

A Lesson From Birds

During my time at my sabbatical cabin, I have enjoyed sitting on the deck watching the many varieties of birds that frequent the birdfeeder which I have filled several times in the week I have been here. I cannot name them as I know little or nothing about birds. I can, however, marvel at the glorious pallet of color they display – flaming reds, effervescent yellows, vibrant oranges, and radiant blues.

I revel in watching them as they devour the seeds, nuts, and dried fruit. I laugh at their antics as they, at times, appear to argue and battle over their domain. Occasionally, one will alight and sit atop the feeder impatiently awaiting their turn. The larger varieties often aggressively claim their stake and oust the smaller ones who defensively take flight only to return when the coast is clear.

I have also sat in wonder as I observe the flitting about of hummingbirds as they hover around their feeder on the opposite side of the deck. They dart about at speeds I can only imagine are the effects of all the sugar water they ingest. It is like jet fuel for them, I suppose.

One morning, I was out on the deck doing my morning stretching routine when a hummingbird came within a few feet of me and hovered just above my head as if it was trying to decide what I was doing or was attempting to convey a message. I stopped and stared back it for moment and asked outload “What?” It then flew away.

Later, I researched the spiritual significance of hummingbirds and found that they are symbols of joy, lightness, and play.¹ I took that to mean that this little bird was telling me to lighten up, have fun, and embrace more joy in my life. Message received!

Today, as I sat inside listening to and watching the light rain fall, a dove came for a visit. She sat on the deck railing dead center in front of the doorway. She just sat there for the longest time. A happenstance? I don’t think so. As with the hummingbird, I wondered what message this lovely bird might have for me.

Rather than resorting to the internet for information, I simply sat and observed, opening my heart to the energetic connection that we share with all creation. I fully accept that I was assigning meaning to my observations, yet I trust that what I received from this interaction was what I needed in the moment.

This messenger sat there speaking to my heart. This is what it said…

Rest in the peace of what is in the moment. Do not attempt to argue with it or make it something else. It is all good just as it is right now.

Live in the confidence of who you are and all that you are created to be. There is no need to hide. Live your life out in the open.

As she began to move slowly, deliberately shifting her body from one angle to another and turning her head from side to side, she spoke to me of seeing life from all perspectives. Be open to shifting the place from which you view the world. It is limiting to stay in a fixed position and only see the world from your conditioned point of view. You will be amazed at what you will find when you open to other ways of seeing.

The stillness was interrupted as she began to shake and flap her wings. She was telling me that it is necessary to ruffle feathers sometimes. While your life intention is to live in peace, others may not always accept you for who you are. That’s okay!

She then began to move around in circles while rustling her feathers as if she was dancing. This encouraged me to dance the dance of life with wild abandon. Dance to the beat of your own drum whether others can hear or of move with you or not.

She had remained quiet up to this point, but suddenly her song flowed out. Her soft “coo” sounded for all the world as if she was saying “you” as invited it to flow through me. She was reminding and encouraging me to sing my song. Sing the song of “you,” not someone else’s song. Your song is unique to you.

In one final display, she disappeared from my sight as with one stealth movement she dove off the deck and into the trees below. One last message – Take the plunge into life, ALL of life. Dive in with abandon and live it fully!

While I received these messages as gifts that I needed to hear and receive this morning, they are universal. I share them with you to encourage you to embrace them as your own. Take them to heart.

In addition, I encourage you to pay attention to what shows up in your world today and every day. Take time to connect with creation all around you. Allow it to teach you. We are not separate. We are one. Let us celebrate our unity and learn from it.




  1. This is beautiful, David. And I very much needed to hear it, to be reminded of it. In this moment. Ty.

  2. Today I will pay attention to what shows up in my world. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Enjoy the ride!

    1. Thanks, Kev. I am doing my best to enjoy the ride. Peace!

  3. David, as an avid lover of nature in all it's forms, this takes me on a journry back to Gracenter. I experienced such birds and all Nature had to offer, the Divine Spirit, Joy and Peace. What a blessing for you. Sent with love and lasting memories. Thank you.

    1. Hi, Pat. I am happy that you have such beautiful memories. Yes, it has been a great blessing.

  4. Thank You, I will take this into My own as I continue to embrace all of who I divinely am, beyond fear and judgments..mine and others. In Love & Divinity
