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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Been There, Done That

This past Sunday afternoon, as I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across a post from Mitch Horowitz. Mitch is an avid student of the occult, New Thought, and other teachings on the power of the mind. He is frequent lecturer, and is the author of several books, including One Simple Idea, Occult America, and his latest release, The Miracle Club. He also offers a regular column in Science of Mind magazine.

This particular post was a link to a video excerpt from an interview he did with host, Michael Sandler of Inspire Nation, a podcast dedicated to providing resources that encourage and support people in creating empowered lives. In this video, Mitch offers a 6-step 10-day Miracle Challenge. I encourage you to watch it, as well as the full interview. I was certainly inspired by it. I started using it on Sunday.

I have been a student of New Thought for 25 years. At one time, I was on my way to becoming a Religious Science Practitioner with plans to become a Religious Science minister. Instead, Spirit led me to Unity. I worked through the 250 hours of Unity Spiritual Education and Enrichment classes, weeks of intensive leadership training and practicums required to become a Licensed Unity Teacher. I was ordained a Unity minister in January 2017 after serving as a spiritual leader for 9 years in two Unity ministries. I have learned the principles. I have practiced the principles. I have done my best to live the principles. Yet, watching this video, as well as other videos on this channel and practicing the 10-Day Miracle Challenge have helped to make me conscious of how I have taken for granted so much of the New Thought teaching that once thrilled and inspired me.

While I am reluctant to admit it to myself and to you, I now recognize that I had developed a complacent attitude about so much of what we teach. I had decided, whether consciously or unconsciously, that I had learned all that I needed to learn and that there was nothing new and exciting out there for me. I was surprised to uncover my ‘been there, done that, got the t-shirt, the certificate, the credential, the ordination” attitude. Yet, I am more than thrilled that I am now consciously aware of it and can make choices to change it.

This is a New Year and a new decade. While there is nothing inherently magical about the beginning of a new year or a new decade, culturally, we have created an energy of excitement and anticipation around the change from December 31 to January 1. This energy is even more potent when we move into a new decade. There seems to be a greater sense of potential and possibility alive in our consciousness as we move into 2020.

It doesn’t matter whether I am just making it up, or whether together we are making it up. What matters is that each of us can tap into the energy of this new beginning and embrace the possibility of each new day in this New Year and new decade.

I am choosing to ride the wave of this energy by approaching the Unity and other New Thought teachings with a “beginner’s mind.” I desire to recapture the wonder and excitement I felt when I was first introduced to the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Troward, Neville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore and others. I am choosing to reacquaint myself with the principles and practices of our tradition and to, once again, become a conscious practitioner of these Truth principles.

I sincerely believe, no, I KNOW that these principles can and will transform our lives when we learn them, integrate them into our consciousness, and apply them in our lives. I invite you to join me as I explore them, practice them, and share with you my experiences. I hope you will share yours with me, as well.

I challenge you to begin with the 10-Day Miracle Challenge.

Happy New Year! Glorious 2020! Amazing New Decade!


  1. Powerful words, Rev. David! You inspire me to take a closer look at myself as I launch into 2020 with enthusiasm. Thanks.

  2. I read your blog this morning and then went to yoga. My teacher quoted from Shuryu Suzuki "In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, in the experts mind there are few." It always amazes me how my yoga and unity teachings intertwine. It is all one Mind.
