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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Reveal Yourself

Several years ago, my friend and founder of Dallas Meditation Center, Brother ChiSing, who made his transition from this Earthly plane last year, introduced me to the book, The Book of Light, Ask and Heaven Will Answer, by Alexandra Solnado. I keep it within arm’s reach on a table beside my meditation cushion. The book is collection of messages from Jesus received by the author. When I feel the inner urge to do so, I use the book for guidance.

While I tell myself that I “should” be accustomed to the way Spirit consistently reveals Itself to me when I am open to receive, I am still often amazed and delighted when I open the book and read the perfect message that supports me wherever I am in the moment. I have such experiences with this book quite often. I would like to share one of them with you.

For some time, I have been feeling a level of discontent and dissatisfaction with how things are progressing in my life, at the church, and in my own conscious evolutionary process. I have been questioning whether I am doing the “right” things, wondering if I am in the “right” place, or even the “right” career. One of my first spiritual teachers, Reverend Kay Hunter, used to refer to this as “divine discontent.” Speaking from my personal perspective, and my guess is that I am not alone in this, when in the midst of it, it doesn’t feel very divine.

On Monday, I was in the depth of my angst. I did my best to stay busy and focused on other things so I would not have to be with my feelings. Of course, that did not work for very long. Sometimes, knowing too much about spiritual growth can be a hindrance to avoidance. I say that with tongue in cheek. While being in the discontent is not comfortable, I know that it is always a powerful opportunity for growth.

When I was finally ready to stop attempting to avoid, I sat on my meditation cushion and connected with the indwelling Spirit. I was inspired to select a reading from The Book of Light. When I opened to the page, I was immediately overcome with “God bumps,” laughter and tears. The title of the message was “Revealing Yourself.” The reading begins,

Reveal yourself. Reveal yourself. Reveal yourself.
            That is all I can say to you.
            I can and must tell you to reveal yourself, to reveal what you came here to do, to open your heart and soul.
            If people do not understand, then they simply do not understand.
            But that is not an excuse for not being who you are and revealing it to the world.

WOW! That hit home. It was the perfect message for me in that moment. I realized that I have been looking for something or someone outside of myself to give me the assurance that I am in the “right” place, doing the “right” things, and in the “right” career. Jesus reminded me, through this message, that as is always the case, it is an inside job. Nothing or no one outside myself can provide the reassurance I have been seeking. It is up to me.

The message could not have been more appropriate or any clearer. All I must do is be who I have come here to be and do what I have come here to do. It does not serve the world, nor does it serve the God in me to try to be something I am not. It serves no one for me to attempt to do what pleases others or what conforms to others’ ideas about who I should be. While it was my message on Monday, it is a message for all of us.

Each of us comes into the world with a unique imprint for what is ours to share with the world. There is something that only we can contribute. We may not be able to see the big picture or know what the ultimate gift is. However, we can consciously ask and be open to the revelation of what is ours to share in every moment.

We sometimes get so caught up in daily activities that we forget to stop and listen. I encourage us to recommit ourselves to slowing down; allowing ourselves time to breathe, to go within and listen for the still small voice for God that is constantly and consistently directing us toward what is ours to do in every moment.

I am making that commitment to myself and to the God of my being. I hope you will join me. Let’s not avoid our “divine discontent,” but allow it to be a motivation for deeper connection to the Divine within. May prayer for you is that you, too, will make the choice to "Reveal Yourself."

Join us on Sunday, August 6, at 10:00 for our service. We will be sharing a special story about discovering who you are and being true to yourself. The story, written by Anne Moutray-Arndt, is entitled Land of Who. It is about a little girl named Violet who learns an important life lesson with the help of her friend and guide, Fluff. Come and bring your children. They will enjoy the story, too.

Additionally, if you are blessed or inspired by these posts or my Sunday lessons, which are available on YouTube, I encourage you to make a donation to support the ministry of Unity Spiritual Center Denver. Thank you!


  1. Thank you for sharing this encouraging reminder. At times, I too wrestle with Divine Discontent. It shows up most often for me in fearing that what I'm doing is not having enough reach and impact. Thank you for reminding me of my own five-part manifestation mindset (which I refer to as my essential, simplified "job" description as a human on planet earth).

    • Come as you are: Show up and bring the best I have to offer in this moment. Not last year’s best, or next year’s best, or someone else’s best. Just the best I’ve got to offer with the love and light I’m giving myself access to at this time. Quit judging myself as insufficient. I am always enough, just as I am right here and now.
    • Live the Truth: God is God, I am God’s, and love is the greatest power in the Universe. My Source is excellent, limitless, and reliable. No external force can block my highest good. Universal abundance flows to and through me. Whatever my circumstances, I know who I am and Whose I am. I am a unique and precious cocreative expression of the Divine. I am so much more than enough!
    • Commit to the highest good: Universal love is always unfolding the highest good for all, in all, through all. Love, respect, curiosity, and compassion reveal and advance the highest good. My part is to align myself with the highest good by keeping myself free of fear and holding myself wide open as a clear channel for love and light.
    • Express gratitude: While feeling grateful is a nice start, don’t stop there. Express it to and for every being, encounter, and experience. Appreciate my life. Know that everything’s an opportunity. Expect it. Go looking for it. Notice it. Say, “Thank you!” Gratitude for Universal abundance fosters generous, effortless, gracious flow filled with faith, hope, prosperity, peace, and joy. And it starts with being grateful for every aspect of myself—the attributes that thrill me and those that frustrate me and everyone who knows me. They are all essential elements of my unique and precious cocreative role in expressing the Divine. I totally rock!
    • Trust God with the details: Resist the urge to over-manage the minutiae and end up trapped in the weeds. Even though I’m bright and creative, that level of specificity is way above my pay grade. Remain focused on my responsibilities (the first four parts of the mindset) and stay tuned to the Universal frequency for further instructions on where to go, what to do, why, when, how, how much, with and for whom. When I discern, focus, and follow through, the Universe works wonders through me. My job becomes so much easier when I allow God to be God!

    With gratitude, love and light from Deborah Jane Wells

    1. Thank you for sharing those five points. May I use them in a future Sunday lesson?

    2. I would be honored, David, if you used them with attribution. Those particular insights came to me in that form shortly after I first published my book, "Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life!" I share them in the updated version (which is in the final stages of preparation by the publisher for release soon). I'll also be releasing the first ever audio version of the book around the same time.

  2. I read Anita Moorjani's new book, "What If This Is Heaven" a few months ago. It made a deep impression on me. She sums up the central theme of her book in the introduction with these words: "Remember, your only work is to love yourself, value yourself and embody this truth of self-worth and self-love so you can be love in action. That is true service, to yourself and to those who surround you."

    I thought a lot about this message. It makes sense to me. Seems like times when I am feeling that divine discontent ate times when I have forgotten my real purpose here, which is to learn to truly love myself, the person that God created me to be. Sometimes I get off thinking I have to be somehow different or better, I have to meet someone else's expectations or whatever. I have forgotten that God loves me unconditionally, just as I am, just as He created me. Knowing that truth is in itself transformative. Remembering this, I can look at the divine discontent and see it as Spirit's desire in me for a deeper experience of the Divine in my life.

    1. Thank you, Glenn, for reminding me of Anita Moorjani's words. I read that book as well, and was inspired by it. There is great wisdom there.

    2. Great book Glenn and a great reminder. I had the opportunity to meet Anita shortly after her first book was published. Delightful.

  3. "In the path of our happiness shall we find the learning for which we have chosen this lifetime." - Richard Bach from "Illusions - The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

    1. Thanks, Carmen. I appreciate that quote. I may use it on Sunday.

  4. So important to continue to return to what we know, at depth, is the truth of our being. And since, as humans, we get so distracted at times and caught up in material thinking, making this our reality - full of doubt and trouble - it is such a blessing to have community that reminds us, helps us to remember that each one makes a unique difference. It is still our own willingness to re-align that will truly be the cause of our powerful expression - that only I, You, We, can be.
