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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sharing God with God

Do not withhold your gifts from the Sonship, or you withhold yourself from God!  Selfishness is of the ego, but Self-fullness is of spirit because that is how God created it.” – A Course in Miracles

This passage from A Course in Miracles provides a new understanding of what it means to be “Self-full,” as well as what it means to be selfish. We often consider one selfish who is only concerned with his or her needs, not considerate of others, or one who takes without the thought of giving. The Course is saying that selfishness is not about taking, but is actually about withholding. To be selfish is to withhold from the world the expression of our unique gifts and talents. It is withholding God from God!

Self-fullness, on the other hand, because it is of Spirit is only about extending. Self-fullness is confidence – it knows self as a magnificent expression of God. From Self-fullness one overflows with the expression of Spirit: It can do no other. Self-fullness is the recognition that one is endowed with the gifts of Spirit, and makes no apology for owning that truth and living that truth. Unlike selfishness, Self-fullness does not “hide its light under a bushel” (Matthew 5:15). Instead, from the realization of the unique individuation of Spirit that one is, it shines brightly for the entire world to benefit.

Many of us have adopted the practice of discounting our own gifts and talents in the name of “modesty.” We have been taught that to acknowledge our gifts and talents is conceited, and that conceit is not an admirable quality. However, if we are not willing to honor our unique expression and share our gifts and talents with the world, then as The Course says, we are “withholding our gifts from the Sonship.” The world needs the benefit of all that each of us has to give and share.

The time is now for us to acknowledge the unique and wondrous expression of the Divine that each of us is and to appreciate all the good that we are and all the good that we have to share with the world. As we fill ourselves up with the awareness of God expressing as our very lives, we feel the gratitude for all that we are, and we let our lights shine as a natural expression of the essence of our being.

When we express from the experience of fullness, we can give freely without reservation and without attachment to what, if anything, we receive in return. However, it is imperative for us not to believe that we are to give tirelessly to others while sacrificing self. We must be willing to continue to fill ourselves if we are to give to the world.

An important aspect of honoring and appreciating self is taking care of us, physically, mentally and emotionally. Appreciating the self includes appreciating the aspect of God that is expressing as this human being. We can only give from fullness when our own needs are met and we are feeling peace. We have all heard the instructions given by the flight attendants on aircraft, “Be sure to secure your oxygen mask first before assisting others.”  The same applies to all areas of our lives.

This Sunday, July 30, during our 10:00 service we will honor those in our community at Unity Spiritual Center Denver who give of themselves through Sacred Service. Those who shine their lights in so many ways, within and outside our community, express from the fullness of God that overflows in love. We are grateful for each and every one who gives of their time and talent in service to our spiritual community and beyond our walls. USCD’s light shines brightly because of all who give.

We will also have a Sacred Service Fair following the Sunday service so that those who have not yet found their area for giving may learn more about the available opportunities. Our spiritual family is created by our giving and loving community.

Please join us for our service and then plan to stay around for refreshments while you learn more about the many ways you can share the fullness of God that you are through Sacred Service. You are always welcome and there is great love for you here.

Additionally, if you are blessed or inspired by these posts or by my Sunday lessons, which are available on YouTube, I encourage you to make a donation to support the work of the ministry at Unity Spiritual Center Denver. Thank you!

1 comment :

  1. What a great message! I need to do only two things to maximize my contribution to the Universe. When I take care of myself, I take care of others. When I take care of others, I take care of myself. Both are necessary and insufficient in my life. Today is another chance to keep trying to do both. Thanks Rev, for another home run of a message!
