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Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Conversation with God

Most, if not all of you, reading this post know that I have made the decision to resign my position as senior minister at Unity Spiritual Center Denver. It was not a decision that I arrived at quickly or without a great deal of prayer, meditation, contemplation, and yes, resistance.

When I entered the ministry in 1999, first part-time and then full-time in 2012, I did so following what I believed to be a call to serve – serve God and serve others as a minister. The voice I heard was very clear – “Feed my sheep.”

I believed that being a church minister was my answer to that call. I still believe that it was. Recently and over the past few months, I have become aware through my prayers and meditation that church ministry is no longer mine to do, at least not at this time. I have also heard the clear call to take care of myself and begin to make conscious preparations for the next phase of my life.

These sorts of revelations always stimulate additional questions. So, I had my own conversation with God about it which I captured in writing. I decided to share it here in case it might spark something in you. I did not edit except to correct spelling and typos, and to add punctuation and footnotes. Here is what ‘God’ had to say to me -

How do I reconcile being in service to God and taking care of myself? Do I even need to think about taking care of myself? If I commit myself to being in service to God, then am I not already cared for?

Take no thought for what you shall eat or drink or what you shall wear. Your Father knows you have need of these things. Take a look at the birds, does your Father not care for them? ¹

Who is the God that I am to be in service to? What does it mean to be in service to God?

It means to be in service to your brothers and sisters. To be in service to the Earth. To be in service to the environment. It means to serve the truth. The truth that there is only One. The truth that there is no separation. The truth that the Father and I are One. That I am in you as the father is in me, so I am in you. ²

How then do I come to the realization and the understanding of what it means for me to be in service to God? How does that look from my human perspective?

You just need to continue to ask the question and listen for the answers.

What is mine to do to be in service to God?

Listen for the answer in every moment and follow what you receive. The follow through is also important. If you ask, hear, and do not follow through with action then you are asking in vain. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door is opened unto you.³ Your life unfolds according to the plan that God has for you only when you are willing to take the next step that you are guided to. When you feel resistance to taking the next step ask What is mine to do to release the resistance to doing what I am guided to do? What am I willing to release? What am I willing to give? What am I willing to give to this moment in order to follow where I am led? Where He leads me I will follow.

What is the hein that sentence?

Where my Wisdom leads me, I will follow and in following I am living in a state of perpetual grace.

What happens when I dont follow? What happens if I say ‘no’ to my guidance?

Nothing bad happens. You are just not opening to receive all the blessings that are yours when you do follow that guidance. Your only job is to get out of the way and release any resistance to the flow of the all providing Source of All. If you are not feeling joyous, it is because you are not allowing the flow of life through you. That is all you need to do.

It sounds simple enough, but how do I begin?

You have already begun. You have followed the guidance to take the next step on your journey. You have listened and now it is up to you to follow.

Why do I think that I am so often in my head these days and not in my heart?

Because you are so often in your head these days and not living in your heart.

Why do I do that?

You do that because you think it makes you safer. You think it leaves you less vulnerable.

Why do I think that so many others around me are living in their heads and from their egos? Is it really just I who am living in my head and from my ego?

That could be your answer. When you stop living so much from you head and, in your ego, then those around will stop doing it as well. They are simply a projection of your consciousness. You are what you see, and you see what you are. You job is to see things as they TRULY are, not as you imagine them to be from your limited perspective.

How do I see things as they truly are?

You begin to see the Spirt of Life in and through all things and you begin to practice appreciation for that Spirit of Life in all things and in all people.

It is much easier to see it in all things, especially animals and in nature. It is much easier to see it there than to see it in all people. I know it is the truth of all people, but I dont always see it.

You dont always see it in others because you have not yet seen it completely in yourself. You must first see it in yourself and claim it for yourself before you will be able to witness it in others. I HAVE COME TO BEAR WITNESS TO THE TRUTH. 4  You have come to bear witness to the TRUTH of who and what you are, and you have come to bear witness to the TRUTH of all creation. That is no small feat. It is not always easy to bear witness to the TRUTH.

What does it really mean to bear witness to the TRUTH?

It means that you choose to see first the kingdom of God manifested in and through all that you see.

But, when I open my eyes I see a computer monitor, a keyboard and my hands moving across the keys. How do I witness God in that?

You witness God in that by releasing your concept of what things are. Yes, you see a monitor, a keyboard and hands, but what you are truly witnessing are manifestations of God, which is Life Energy that moves in and through all that is manifested as well as all that is not manifested. You, the consciousness that you are, is aware of them because you are creating them. You are forming with your awareness in order to accomplish the work that you are here to accomplish.

What is the work that I am here to accomplish?

That is a question that you must allow yourself to live with. Ask that question.

What is mine to do to? What am I here to accomplish? Am I here to accomplish something specific?

You are here to bear witness to the TRUTH. If you can accomplish that then you will have accomplished something that very few have ever done. You may say I am the monitor. I am the keyboard. I am the hands. And you would be bearing witness to the TRUTH. You may say I am the breath, and you would be bearing witness to the TRUTH. You need not say anything more. Pay attention to when you are not bearing witness to the TRUTH, when you are bearing witness to the UN-TRUTH or to the lies of the mind, the deceiver, the monkey mind, the ego, the False or Lower Self.

What is mine to do in service to God?

That is your question. Yours is to bear witness to the TRUTH in yourself, in all others and in all creation.

How is this possible?

Notice the thoughts you habitually think. Notice the emotional tone of your speech. Notice the emotional tone of your feeling nature. What are you thinking, feeling, doing, saying that is not bearing witness to the TRUTH? Then make a conscious choice to change it. You are the only one who is in control of what you say, think and do. No one else has that power. That is yours and yours alone. Do you understand that? You have the power to choose what you think, say and do. Every moment is the power of power, and the power is in your choice. You create the life you are living through every choice you make. Are your choices bearing witness to the TRUTH?


¹ Matthew 6

² John 14:20

³ Matthew 7:7

4 John 18:37



  1. David, thank you for sharing this dialog. It’s fun to read and think about. In you own words, how do you define TRUTH?

    1. Hi, Kev. I’m glad it was fun for you to read. It was fun for me to experience. For me, TRUTH is oneness. The only TRUTH I can hold to is that there is only one. There is no duality. And as Jesus said, “when you know the truth, the truth will set you free.“ In my way of thinking, that is the only TRUTH that will set us free. thanks for asking. What do you think it means?

  2. David - I will miss your presence on Sundays. Unity Spiritual Center has become my online church, and maybe, someday, it will evolve into my in-person church. Who knows? Anyway, I will miss your presence - but I will especially miss your NEW presence - the man whose face is no longer gray and drawn, the eyes that are no longer sporting black circles. This new presence - which showed up as soon as you resigned - looks 5 years younger and just returned from a vacation in the sun. I will miss the joy now emanating from you. I will miss the man who cried after hearing Laura Berman sing last week. Who broke into song in the middle of his sermon. Who is smiling all the time. I will miss knowing where I can go to find this new presence each Sunday morning. I am going to have to go searching for your new "homes" - websites/blogs/youtube videos? /songs?/ Keep us updated, ok?? Blessed Be
