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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Seeking Self

Recently, thanks to the generosity of some friends, I spent some time in the beauty of Breckenridge, Colorado. Prior to going, I told myself that I needed to disconnect from the activities of my daily life and just get away. The mountains were calling. I needed time to be in nature, hike the trails, and sit by the water to reconnect with my soul. I thoroughly relished every moment of it.

One day, during a hike, I stopped to rest and sat on a large boulder. There was not another soul around, so I decided to sit for a while, breathe in the clean mountain air and connect with the energy of the rocks, trees, the ground, and all the other life expressing in that moment.

As I listened, I heard these words…

I escape to the mountains
hoping to find my Self there.

I walk among the trees
and commune with the rocks
thinking that perhaps
my Self will be revealed to me.

I sit by the racing stream
listening for an inner voice
to speak to me of my Self.

Then, I am reminded…

No matter where you go,
there you are.

Why do you continue to seek your Self?
Just BE your Self.

Are you looking for a better version of your Self?
BE it.

Are you seeking a Higher Self?
You are already it. BE it.

You cannot and will not
find your Self anywhere except
right where you are in any moment.

Seek here, and you will find!

It was a clear and present reminder that as Rumi said, What you seek is seeking you.” Or, stated another way, That which you seek is that with which you seek.” While being in nature often helps us to reconnect with the natural flow of life, it is not necessary. Anytime we are willing to stop, breathe, open our hearts and consciously connect with the Life Energy in which we live, move and have our being ¹, we can find a connection with our Divine Self. And, every moment is our opportunity to BE it through our every thought, word and action.

Remember that Wherever you go, there YOU are” – YOU, your Highest, Best, Divine Self! You need seek no further.

¹ Acts 17:28


  1. I remember very similar conversations with you. Good news: You are getting receiving consistent insights multiple times. Often, I find I have to "get it" multiple times before it really sticks. With gratitude, love and light, DJW

  2. Lovely insights . . . music sounded while I read . . . And I walked with him and I talked with him, in the Garden of my Lord. I'm grateful for your teachings, knowing about communing with my Soul Spirit. JR

  3. Bitter sweet to my heart. Sweet, satisfaction in glorious nature!. But to be found where the wind spins and the dirt is dry. That appears to be my work.
