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Thursday, March 26, 2020

A World Transformed

The past couple of weeks have been filled with activity, angst and apprehension for many of us. I can personally attest to that. It seems as though I have been forced out of my comfort zone into a whole new world. My prayer partner today said, “I don’t even have a comfort zone anymore.” I’m sure that most, if not all of us, can relate.

I have been running around, both literally and mentally, trying to learn how to do ministry in this new world. I am learning things about technology that I never knew I wanted to know. While I have done my best to remain peaceful and centered, I must admit that I have allowed myself to feel overwhelmed by it all at times.

In our commitment to continue to provide connection and spiritual support, we at Unity Spiritual Center Denver, along with most other ministries, have turned to the internet for our Sunday services, classes, and book studies, all of our regularly scheduled activities that can be online now are.

As I continue to learn how little I know about these things, I am eternally grateful for those who do, and I appreciate their willingness to offer support. I learn something new about livestreaming every day.

In addition, when I watch, read or listen to the news, I feel the tension take hold of my body and fearful thoughts arise in my mind. I am doing my best to heed the advice of the medical experts and am making the best choices possible to help protect myself and those around me. I know that we are all in the same boat.

Even though I am, at times, uncomfortable in this new world, I trust the I am, as I believe we all are being called to a greater expression of our true natures and to come together in unity.

While our experiences are unique, I suspect that in our shared humanity, most of us have similar feelings and thoughts. We are all wondering how to best respond to this new reality we are living. We may be questioning how to best support our families emotionally, spiritually and financially. We may be wondering where to go, what to do, and how to adjust to whatever is happening in our own lives. I know that it can be an unsettling time.

There is a part of me that would love nothing more than to “fix” it for you, to take away your stress, to relieve you of your angst, and to have us all awaken from this nightmare and go back to life as usual.

The deeper part of me knows that I can’t fix it. I don’t have all the answers. I can’t relieve you of your experience. In all honesty, I wouldn’t even if I could. It is not a time to go back to life as usual. This is a precious time in the evolution of human consciousness, and we all get to have our part in it and experience all of it together.

I am choosing to hold the vision that this is a time of transformation. Humanity has the opportunity now to allow the former things to pass away and to give birth to a new earth (Rev. 21). We can give birth to a new reality, one that reflects the unity we long for. 

This process is illustrated beautifully in nature as the caterpillar becomes a butterfly. The caterpillar spins a chrysalis in which it literally dissolves. I have heard this substance described as “goo.” The caterpillar is no longer recognizable; it dies to its former self. Then, the “imaginal cells” that will eventually coalesce and form the butterfly take over and begin their work. Through a process of metamorphosis, that which was once a furry worm crawling on the earth is transformed into a glorious butterfly flying above the Earth. “The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The caterpillar experiences the relinquishment of its former self inside the chrysalis, and once the transformation is complete, the butterfly emerges and shares its glorious beauty with the world.

It seems that we, individually and collectively, are currently in the stage of the chrysalis in which we are being encouraged to go within and experience the discomfort of the “goo” as we allow all that has kept us bound to the baser aspects of our nature to dissolve and be transformed. Take heart, I have also heard it said and fully trust that God is in the “goo.”

Amid it all, we can choose to remember who we truly are – God expressing as conscious human beings who have dominion over our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. You and I are the “imaginal cells” of the new Earth. We have the opportunity now to remain focused on the potential and possibility of a shared vision of “A spiritually awakened world living Oneness,” our Unity Spiritual Center Denver vision statement.

We can, together, envision a world where we share the world’s resources, rather than compete for them. A world in which the basic needs of all people are satisfied. Wars cease. All people are loved, honored and respected without regard to any label we may assign them.

This is our opportunity to co-create a world that works for everyone. Now is the time. We are the ones.

As we navigate these changes, we may experience angst, pain, anger and apprehension. That is expected. I encourage us to give ourselves permission to feel it all. Yet, through it all, I encourage us to hold to a vision of what is possible. Together, with FAITH – Focus, Attention, Intention, Trust and Hope – we WILL make it our new reality.


  1. Thinking of being covered in goo feels icky but when you put it as God working in and through us - it feels very comforting, protecting and healing. I made some hand sanitizer out of Aloe Vera gel and it was all icky and gooey but mixing it with rubbing alcohol it became a protecting agent against the virus. Thank you David for helping us through this difficult time. I'll remember God is Goo.

  2. Lovely words of a New Tomorrow Today. I see signs everywhere and each one causes celebration in my heart. Thank you David!
