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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Transforming Power of Love

"We are not here to bask in God's love, but - willingly, freely, and with answering love - to give all we have to Love's work of transformation so Love can transform all we have, all we are, to gold. It is in surrendering to this greatest of all laws of alchemy that we discover and become the real gold, the real power, the real hope." - Andrew Harvey, The Hope

Oh, how good it feels to simply bask in God's Love, to sit in the silence of meditation and allow the Light to pervade my entire being, to feel every cell of my body come alive in the remembrance of its truth as an expression of divine Love and Light! Likewise, I cherish basking in Love as it expresses through all who embrace me in the Love of the Christ. There is no more enjoyable feeling than basking in God's Love as I experience it from within and see it reflected from without. It is an invaluable experience for each of us. Without times of basking in God's Love, we would wither and die as would seeds planted in the earth that never receive the nourishment of the sun's light.

And, as Andrew Harvey so eloquently states, we are not here only to bask in God's Love, but we are also here to allow that Love to transform us so that we willingly and freely answer Love's call to be Love in the world. We must accept ourselves for whom and what we are - God in the world - stop playing small, and be the answer to the cries for help from a world in need.

We allow Love to transform us as we open to the awareness of Love's presence as us, and allow the Light of Love to reveal the illusion of myths, messages and beliefs that keep us playing small.

I saw a church sign recently that said, "God's truth, the best defense against Satan's lies." While I do not agree with the implied theology, I do agree that Love, which is God's Truth, is our only defense against the lies of the ego-identified self and that only Love has the power to transform us into the complete and full expressions of all that we are here to be in the world.

God's Love transforms us into fully realized expressions of Itself. From that consciousness of realization, we can do none other than to be Love in the world. Being Love in the world, we give of all that we are, and by giving of all that we are the world's needs are met.

I invite you to take a moment right now and enter into a time of quiet reflection.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath.
Center your awareness in the heart.
Once you have centered your awareness in the heart, drop even further into the deeper spiritual heart
Bring to mind any situation or situations that speak to you of an apparent need, whether in your local community, the country, or around the globe.
As you contemplate each of them, be aware of which one or ones call to the depth of Love from your heart. Which one or ones break your heart open with compassion?
When you feel your heart breaking open, consciously direct the light of Love from your heart into those situations.
Ask your heart if there is some action you can take to help meet the apparent need there.
Listen for the wisdom that arises.
Affirm: "I am the courage to be and do all that I am called to."
Make a commitment to take one action, and do it.

Bask in God's Love, allow God's Love to transform you at depth, and awaken to the awareness that you are God's Love in expression. Allow your expression to be a sacred service to the Divine, to yourself, and to all beings everywhere.

Listen to my recording of the above meditation below - 


  1. Lovely way to wake up this morning - Thanks!

  2. Amen!!! Thank you dear David. I have been staying away from the way undocumented people are being treated in the ICE detention centers in Colorado because it breaks my heart. Now I am asking my heart to be broken open to discover what is mine to do to relieve some of the suffering. Blessings to you David.
