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Thursday, February 14, 2019

God Is, I Am Love

Every Sunday at Unity Spiritual Center Denver we speak and sing about ‘love.’
Our creed, recited weekly, is –

Our God is Love.
Our Race is Human.
Our Faith is Oneness.

As a lead-in to our prayer, each week we sing –

Surely the presence of Love is in this place…

Our closing prayer, the Prayer for Protection, includes –

The Love of God enfolds us…

We have altered the lyrics to The Peace Song. We sing –

Let there be Love on Earth, and let it begin with me…

Scripture tells us –

“Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is Love…” (1 John 4:8) and
“God is Love, and those who abide in Love abide in God, and God abides in them.” (1 John 4:16).

My friend, spiritual teacher and Unity minister, Rev. Diadra Price, in her book “The Book of Love” says,

“Love is the movement of God that impulses all change.”

Reverend Linda Martella-Whitsett in her book, Divine Audacity says that Love is –

“The power of magnetism, harmony and unity.”

Scripture also tells us –

“God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves…” (Genesis 1: 26 Jerusalem Bible)

The first of Unity’s Five Basic Principles states –

There is one power and one presence active in the universe – God, the Absolute Good.

Since “God is Love,” it follows that Love is the omnipresent energy in and through all.
Since we understand God to be the Creative Principle and that all things came into being through God, if follows that God/Love, being the only force in the universe, expressed itself as wave-particles of energy with unlimited potential and possibility which, through the process of evolution, formed the material universe. All creation is the manifestation of the initial impulse of Love, and the power of Love continues to expand and evolve creation.

Not only does Love continue to expand, evolve, and manifest creation, Love also continues to expand and evolve consciousness. And, as we continue to evolve, we are beginning to more fully understand that self-awareness, the ability to be self-conscious has developed not only in humans, but in non-humans animals as well, as evidenced by many scientific studies on various species. We are One in Love, and Love, the power that harmonizes, magnetizes and unifies, continually draws us into remembrance of Itself as Itself expressed in all creation.

When we open to the awareness of Love as the only presence and power in the universe, which is constantly magnetizing us into a state of remembrance, and allow the energy of Love to be our only focus, Love will remind us of who we are. In conscious remembrance, the vibrational frequency of our consciousness (thoughts and feelings) is harmonized to Love and every aspect of our life experience is healed.

In the conscious awareness of our unity in Love, we become conscious expressions of Love in fullness. We embrace and embody the harmonizing, unifying, magnetizing power of Love in which image/likeness we are created, and we allow the vibration of Love to inspire and infuse our every thought, word and action. As we express Love in all that we are and all that we do, we bring Love to bear in our physical bodies and the body of our affairs, including our relationships, finances and work. As the master Jesus said,

The eye is the light of the body. If your eye is single, your whole body will be filled with Light. (Matthew 6:22)

When we know that there is only God/Love and we keep our hearts and minds stated on that Truth, all that we are, all that we know, all that we express is God/Love.

Let us begin by attuning our minds to the energy of Love by repeating this affirmation.

God is Love. Love is God. I am created as the image/likeness of God. I am Love.

Continue to speak this affirmation aloud so that it becomes integrated in your consciousness. As you do so, the vibrational frequency of your consciousness (thoughts and feelings) will come into alignment with the energy of Love, and you will begin to feel it resonating in your spirit and in your body. In this way, you begin to embody Love and open to its full expression in your thoughts, words and actions.

Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore stated –

“We must vibrate the love center in thought, word and act. Then there will come to us on the wings of invisibility that which will satisfy every need.”

Join me on Sunday at 10:00 for our service at Unity Spiritual Center Denver as I explore these concepts further. If you are unable to join us, audio recordings of my lesson are available here and video recordings of many of them are available here.

If you find these lessons informative and inspiring, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Unity Spiritual Center Denver. Your contributions assist us in continuing to advance the consciousness of Love and do the work of Love in our community. Thank you!

1 comment :

  1. Oh yes! “To love another person is to see the face of God” Les Miserables. Thank you David!
