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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Holy Shift!

In his 1936 speech at Unity Village, New Thought minister, author and teacher Emmet Fox said,

“I think is it well that we remind ourselves what it is that we really believe and have. The answer is that we really have the key to life…and that key is the knowledge that life is consciousness.”

Further, it is well to remind ourselves that one of Unity’s five basic principles is that we experience life according to our prevailing way of thinking and feeling, which is, in essence, the content of our individual consciousness.

Additionally, it is well to be reminded that our thoughts and feelings are energy and that they vibrate at a particular frequency which attract us to that which is in vibrational resonance. This is the essence of what we in Unity call the Law of Mind Action, and which is also commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like.

Inventor, engineer and futurist, Nikola Tesla once said, “If you want to know the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

It follows that if we want to know the secret of living the lives we desire and of co-creating the world in which we desire to live, we need only look to the energy, vibration and frequency of our predominant way of thinking and feeling, which constitutes our individual consciousness. Our individual consciousness determines the perspective through which we view what happens in our lives, thus it affects how we experience life. Our consciousness is also the impetus for the words we speak and actions we take which contribute to creating the life we live.

When Fox said “life is consciousness,” he was stating a truth. What he might have said is that the way in which we experience the events of life and the life we create through our words and actions are determined by the vibrational frequency of our thoughts and feelings.

The good news is that we have the power to choose our thoughts, regulate our feelings, speak intentionally, and act decisively. We possess the power of freewill choice. The power of our freewill lies in our ability to make conscious choices about the energy to which we align.

The bottom line is - If we want to experience something different in our lives, we must change the vibrational frequency of our thoughts and feelings. We need to experience what I am choosing to call a “Holy Shift.”

I am calling it “holy” in part because of the play on words. Also, because the shift is aided by our choice to align our thinking and feeling with what we believe to be the indwelling power of the Divine Life living as each of us. We align through the power of our focused attention.

I spoke about this in my lesson this past week at Unity Spiritual Center Denver. You may listen to it here or watch it by clicking the link below. I use the acronym S.H.I.F.T. to outline five steps to create a “Holy Shift.”

S – Self-Awareness

Unity cofounder, Charles Fillmore, reportedly once said that self-awareness is the prelude to Christ consciousness. Assessing the current vibrational frequency of our thoughts and feelings is essential. When we are resonating with joy, appreciation and peace there is no need to realign. However, when we find that we are resonating with fear, worry, and apathy, we might make the choice to shift. Until we become aware, we cannot know if a shift is desired.

H – Honesty

It is important for us to be honest with ourselves concerning what we are thinking and feeling. As author Louise Hay said, “If you want to clean your house, you have to be willing to see the dirt.” If we want to affect a shift, we must first be willing to acknowledge what we want to change.

I – Intention

Author, Lewis Carroll said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Setting a clear intention creates focus. An intention sets in motion the action needed to get us where we choose to go. Further, the universe supports us, through vibrational attraction, in getting where we choose to be.

F – Fun

It is important to approach a “holy shift” with the attitude and energy of fun. The frequency of fun opens us up to attracting enjoyable ways to achieve the shift. It also attracts to us creative ideas, exciting adventures, and entertaining collaborators along the journey.

T – Trust

The master Jesus said, “It is done unto you as you believe.” Trust and Faith are closely aligned. The energy of trust brings us into a place of calm assurance that what we hope for is happening and what we desire is unfolding, even though we may not yet see the evidence of it. Trust allows us to relax and surrender to the power of the universe. It is vitally important that we believe in the power of the “holy shift” to change our consciousness and transform our lives.

We can choose to make a “holy shift” in the energy of our thoughts and feelings (consciousness) concerning any manner of life circumstances, including health, relationships, money, or work, just to name a few. We begin right where we are, welcoming self-awareness, being honest with ourselves, setting a clear intention, having fun, and trusting that, as Emmet Fox said, “We have the key to life.”

I encourage each of us to think about the shifts we desire in our lives and to practice the steps outlined above. It is important for us to know that “shift happens,” and we have the power to activate and affect the shifts in our lives. I hold each of us in the vision of transformed lives through the power of our Holy Shifts.

1 comment :

  1. For me, this is one of the most powerful messages I have heard you give. I am glad that you are reiterating it here in your Friday message. It is a message that is so worth pondering. All messages are worth pondering of course, however, this one asked me to really exam where I am with my spiritual beliefs and what I am doing to continue to truly walk the talk. Thank you David for putting it into a perspective we can all understand and relate to. Maybe it was the humor in which you delivered it, but I think I can say it resonated with many of us by comments I later heard.
