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Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Energy of Money

In my lesson this Sunday at Unity Spiritual Center Denver, I will be talking about money. Because money can be a challenging topic for many, including me, I want to approach my lesson with prayerful consideration and care.

Yesterday, I sat down at my keyboard, connected with Spirit, and asked about my personal experience with money. I allowed the words to flow. The following is what I received. I have edited it minimally for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

While it is personal and revealing, I am choosing to share it in the hope that you will receive some inspiration from it.

My questions are in bold print. The answers from Spirit are in italics.

You do not yet fully comprehend your capacity of mastery. You do not accept that you truly are the created of the Creator creating. You have heard it. You have taught it. But, you still do not fully accept that it is the Truth. Why do you not accept this? Are you afraid of what it may mean for you? Are you afraid that you will be held accountable for all the things in your life that are not in alignment with the wondrous glory of God that is expressing in you? Why do you look at your financial debt and believe that it is your limitation? Why do you allow the condition that you are currently experiencing to determine your well-being, your peace of mind, or lack thereof?

You must become that which you desire to experience. You must become a vibrational match to all that you desire.

How do I know if what I desire is in alignment with my soul or my highest good?

Why do you think that the Creator of all that is would want anything less for you than the absolute best? Why do you think that God, the Infinite Creator and Sustainer of all life is limited in any way? You are the only one who is limiting your experience of the Allness that God is in every moment; as the fulfillment of every moment; as the complete Essence of and in every moment of creation.

What is the belief that is limiting your expression of the financial abundance and freedom that you desire? Be honest with yourself. You are holding a belief that is limiting the flow of God Substance into and as your life. Do you belief that you are not deserving? Then, you may need to forgive yourself. You may need to clear away the energy of unforgiveness that is blocking the flow of good into your life.

It is all energy. Money is energy. It does not have volition. It flows as energy to where it is allowed and accepted, just as water flows when it is not dammed up. What is damming up the flow for you? Only you can know that. Only you can unblock the dam. Another name for money is ‘currency.’ Money is the flow of divine substance that shows up in your life as a mode of exchange. Money, like water, also needs an outlet or it will stagnate. Think of the Dead Sea. Nothing lives there, because the water is stagnate. There is no outflow.

I have plenty of outflow of my money. That is the reason I don’t have enough. I spend more than I bring in.

That is another issue. Just like the water, if there is insufficient flow into the body of water, a lake for example, it dries up. The same principle applies to the flow of energy as money into the body of your affairs. If there is not enough, then the body of your affairs will dry up. There has to be a balance.

Can the money or energy flow to anything, or does it have to flow to something specific?

It must flow in the direction of your highest ideals and values. When it flows in the direction of your highest ideals and values the inlet, as well as the outlet, remains open, because you are open. You feel good about what you are doing and where your money is flowing. You feel good about yourself when you are living your highest values. As a result you are more open and receptive to the inflow of energy, thus the inflow of money.

Also, you are more open and receptive to the inflow of Divine Ideas that when acted upon will lead you to generate more flow into your life. This is not only true of money, but of all areas of prosperity – your work, relationships, creative endeavors, self-fulfillment and all the ways that you can experience prosperity in the physical plane.

But, first you must KNOW prosperity in the higher or spiritual plane. You must know who you are. You must know what you are. You must know how you serve. How you serve is being in service to the highest values, intentions and ideals. Where are your thoughts, words and actions not in alignment with your highest values? When you discover that, you will be able to more closely align with who you truly are and begin to live the prosperous life that you desire.

Does that mean that I will have all the stuff that I want?

It doesn’t mean that you won’t have all the material stuff that you want, but that is not the point. The point is that you know who you are. When you know who you are, then you already have all that you truly desire. All the rest is just the out-picturing of that inner knowing. That may be all sorts of material wealth, or it may be that you experience the freedom of not desiring material possessions and the freedom that comes from not spending time, talent and energy attempting to maintain those material possessions.

What do you desire? You desire at the heart of your being to know yourself, to know God, to know yourself in the purest light of truth, as God in expression. When you truly know that, then nothing else matters. There is no material possession that can mirror to you the nature of who you truly are. There is no material possession that can capture or provide the pleasure that knowing yourself will allow you. Once you have that, you will know what we mean. You will see that everything else is just “vain imaginings.” 

So, how does one, how do I, truly know who I am?

You already know it, dear one. You already know it. Relax into it. Rest in the knowing. Allow the knowing that you already know. All is well. Al is truly well. All is well. That is the consciousness of prosperity. There is nothing you need to do. There is nothing you need to learn. There is nothing you need to acquire. Just open and receive. Let go, and allow the Holy Spirit within you to do the work of releasing you from the bondage of any and all beliefs that block your good. You cannot do it on your own. If you knew how to do it, would you not have already done it?

Be still, and know that I am God. Be still, rest in the absolute assurance that you are, I Am. Simply be that which you know yourself to be. It sounds simple because it is simple. There is no need to struggle. There is no need to worry. Seek first the kingdom of God, the consciousness of oneness and all these things will be added unto you. The master teacher Jesus spoke a great and deep wisdom here. Seek the kingdom of God means to open your eyes and see it. Open your inner, spiritual eyes and see that you are the kingdom of God in expression. Open your outer, physical eyes and see that all is the Kingdom of God expressing. The kingdom of God is spread upon the earth but men do not see it; another powerful teaching from Jesus.

All who have ears to hear, let them hear. All who have eyes to see, let them see. To you we say, become, in full embodiment, all that you already are, and you will see the demonstrations all around, in you, and through you, of the Allness of God manifested in abundance. Blessings to you.

Please join us on Sunday at 10:00 for our service. We will explore more about the energy of money and how it flows.


  1. Thank you David that was wonderful! Terri

  2. Awesome David . . . let's keep our arms wide open to receive! Jan

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can everyone in the material world have abundance? I think not because if we all had abundance, would we know lack? If we all had happiness, would we know sorrow? If we all had peace, would we know discord? At some level, I believe we need to experience the opposite of abundance, happiness, peace and so much more, so that we can fully appreciate those things...and so much more.

    I choose to accept my sorrow, my discord, my lack of abundance because I feel it serves me.That doesn't mean I am victim. I am NOT a victim. I am like everyone else, seeing the challenges I need to overcome my obstacles. Every problem in life greets me with a gift in its hands. The school of life is always in session. I'm trying to learn the life lessons that lack, sorrow, discord and more bring to me so that when I have learned these lessons, the gift in its hands will be revealed. At least that is the way I hope it works...but maybe not. Sometimes I still feel lost in a lost world.

  5. Thank you David. Pleased to read this since I was out of town. Blessings
