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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Lessons From Nature

Earlier this week, I listened to a podcast, “Hey, Jacob. Hi, Scott,” hosted by Scott Stabile and Jacob Nordby. These guys get together each week and record their conversations on a variety of topics. They are vulnerable and authentic as they share their personal journeys and life challenges. I find it refreshing to hear men being so real with each other and with us listeners.

On several of the podcasts, both Scott and Jacob have shared about how they are enriched by being out in nature. I can relate as I also feel connected to God/Spirit/Universe when I am in nature. I was particularly struck by something Scott shared in the May 18 episode. He said that he has been spending a great deal of time by a river during his stay in North Carolina and appreciating the lessons it can teach.

I am summarizing here, but what he said is that the rocks in and around the river teach him about being strong, stable, and grounded amid whatever may be raging around us. I have always loved rocks. I have a special memory of going to a beach in Northern California, hugging the large rocks on the shore, and being connected to their power. Since then, I have had many opportunities to commune with rocks of all sizes. I have several collections of small rocks. They say to me, “Yes, I may be worn by time and pressure, but I am still here, strong, unmoved, and radiating life. As are you!”

 “To be like the rock that the waves keep crashing over. It stands unmoved and the raging of the sea falls still around it.” – Marcus Aurelius

Scott also shared that the water teaches him about being in the flow, letting things go, and finding a way. I, too, have enjoyed the times I have spent hiking along the rivers and streams. They remind me that the flow of life is sometimes gentle and easy, at other times fast and turbulent. Yet, the water continues in its relentless flow. In addition, water always finds its way over, around, or through whatever appears in its path.

“I like to think I am like water that adapts to its surroundings and eventually finds a way in.” – Georges St-Pierre

Considering this, I decided to invite nature to reveal its messages to me in the things I observed on my daily walk today.

As I walked across the bridge in DeBoer Park, I noticed a lone mallard duck sitting in the creek. It was making no effort to move and appeared to be at rest. He reminded me that we all need times to sit peacefully in our favorite habitat to rest, reflect, or retreat. It is okay, and more than okay; it is preferable to occasionally do nothing but sit. It serves us best to wait, even in solitude, for the next right thing.

“Often we tell ourselves ‘Don’t just sit there, do something!’ But when we practice awareness, we discover that the opposite may be more helpful: ‘Don’t just do something, sit there!’” – Thich Nhat Hanh

I also noticed a bed of irises. Some were in full bloom, others just beginning to reveal some color, while other buds were still tightly bound. They spoke to me of divine order. Things unfold in perfect time, whether or not it is according to our preferred schedule. We can try to rush things along, but we often regret it when we do. Nature cannot be hurried or forced to bloom. Like flowers, each of us is unique. We grow and blossom in our own ways in our own perfect time. It is best for us not to try to force ourselves or others.

“Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.” – Unknown

Observing the vast array of flowers that are now springing up everywhere not only connected me to the beauty of nature, but also reminded me that beneath the snow of winter there is always the promise of spring.

I must admit that since moving to Denver seven years ago there have been times when I wondered if spring would ever arrive. Having lived in the south most of my life, I was accustomed to spring in March, not May. Winters can seem long here.

We all experience seasons in our lives. Sometimes we feel the dark and cold of winter when we experience loss or other dramatic change. But we can rest assured that spring will come again. The timing is certainly not as predictable as in nature, but we can trust that the beauty of life will once again reveal itself if we remain open to the possibility.

“Perhaps the Earth can teach us as when everything seems to be dead and later proves to be alive.” – Pablo Neruda

Lastly, I continue to be in awe of how dandelions grow in the most restrictive places. They sprout up through the tiniest cracks and crevices imaginable. As I thought of this, I was reminded of a recent hike in Evergreen where I saw a tree seemingly growing out of a rock. This speaks to me to the power and resilience of nature and reveals to me an important lesson.

We are also resilient and powerful. Even in the times when we may feel that we are restricted by life circumstances or believe that we cannot possibly grow in our current environment, we can trust that growth is happening when we keep our minds and hearts stayed on the power and potential within us. The dandelion doesn’t say, nor does the tree, “I can’t grow here. I will wait for more favorable conditions.” No, it grows where it is. We can do the same.

“Like a wildflower, you must allow yourself to grow in places people never thought you would.” – E.V.

Nature is replete with wisdom that it is ready and willing to share with us. Our opportunity is to open our hearts and minds as we open our eyes to witness its mystery and majesty. When we remember that we are not separate from the nature all around and we choose to breathe it in, nature will reveal its lessons through our willingness to consciously connect with its beauty, wonder, and power.

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Living by Default or Living by Intention

Are you living by default or are you living by intention?

That is the question that came to me this morning as I meditated.

As I sat with the question, I became more consciously aware of the ways that I have been living by default rather than by intention.

In my day-to-day life, it is easy for me to fall into habits of thought as well as habits of behavior. After a while, these thoughts and behaviors become my default mode. Without conscious awareness, I can fall into patterns that are life-denying rather than life-enriching.

These patterns can be thoughts of lack, limitation, not enough, judgment of self or others, and any of many other iterations of a mind in default mode left to its own devices. It may also present as sitting in front of the television watching programs about dysfunctional human behavior or violence.

When I am living by default, I can often allow my mind to be programmed by words and images that are not in alignment with who and what I truly am and intend to be. Living by default may also exhibit as not caring for myself; not exercising regularly; eating unhealthy food; overspending; or not getting enough rest.

Living by intention requires me to make conscious choices.

As I contemplated what it means to live intentionally, I was reminded of one of my favorite life-changing books from years ago,
The Power of Intention, Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way, by Dr. Wayne Dyer. In his book, Dr. Dyer offers us a new perspective on the Power of Intention. Rather than thinking of intention as an aspect of the human will in which one is determined to achieve a desired result, he asserts that there is a Power of Intention in the universe. He quotes Carlos Castaneda from his book, The Active Side of Infinity,

”Intent is a force that exists in the universe. When sorcerers (those who live of the Source) beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that sorcerers always accomplish what they set out to do.”

Dr. Dyer goes on to suggest that the Power of Intention is the power of God that intended us and all of creation into expression. This power intended that each of us come into this life experience to express and create something unique that will bless humanity and the world. Further, our opportunity in every moment is to connect with this power and use it.

From this perspective, living by intention takes on a whole new meaning. There is a universal Power of Intention that we can tap into, and we must be intentional about tapping into it and using it.

Rather than living by default, falling into habits of thought and behavior, and being adversely influenced by the world, we can instead be intentional about staying in conscious communion with the universal Power of Intention, connecting with the inspiration derived, and giving expression to it through our thoughts, words, and actions.

We can do this by actively engaging in spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, contemplation, denials and affirmations; communing with nature; dancing in the spirit; singing; conscious movement, such as yoga or tai chi; journaling; and many other practices that help us move out of our default mode and into a deeper connection with the power within us.

When talking about intention, I have often used the metaphor of a radio dial. We tune our radio dial to the frequency of the station we want to hear. Likewise, when setting an intention we use our minds to tune to the frequency, such as love, peace, abundance, wisdom, beauty, etc. that we choose to receive. As we keep our minds stayed on that frequency, we draw to ourselves people, places and situations that match our frequency.

When we set our intention on tuning to the Power of Intention, we open ourselves to demonstrations of all the qualities of that power. Dr. Dyer refers to these as “The Seven Faces of Intention” which are creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, unlimited abundance, and receptivity. I won’t go into each of them here, but I suggest that you explore this book if you are interested in learning more.

I invite you to join me as I set a clear intention to no longer live by default but to live by intention. I have written my intention as follows. I welcome you to use it or craft one that suits you.

I cease living by default. I choose to live by intention. I am in the flow of the Power of Intention. It flows to me and through me as Unlimited Abundance, Creativity, Inspiration, Love, Beauty, Vitality and all the Good I can imagine. I enthusiastically commune with this power as I joyously open to and actively engage with it through my thoughts, words, and actions. I become a sorcerer as I co-create a world that embodies all the qualities inherent in the Power of Intention. I am grateful.
And, so it is.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Winning the War

Recently, when I was watching a video on the topic of church growth in a post-pandemic world, I was introduced to a new book, Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, by Rev. Craig Groeschel. Prior to this, I had never heard of him. Obviously, I do not keep up with who are the prominent voices in the world of mainstream Christianity.

Rev. Groeschel is the founding and lead minister of Life Church, an Oklahoma-based, multi-city, multi-campus megachurch with thousands of congregants. He is also a New York Times bestselling author with a list of books to his credit. You can learn more about him at

When I heard the title of his latest book, I was intrigued. Keep in mind that this book was first published this year. Yes, 2021! I was curious and eager to get the book so I could learn more about his approach to something that we in Unity have been teaching for more than 100 years.

I wondered what he could have to say that I and presumably most of his readers had not already heard. Or could it be that some of his followers had never heard this before?

In the introduction, Rev. Groschel says,

Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. What we think shapes who we are.

So you might read that and think Im being an overly dramatic preacher using hyperbole to get your attention. But this is no exaggeration. Our lives do follow the direction of our thoughts. The better we grasp that truth, the better equipped well be to change the trajectory of our lives.

Really?! In 2021, are there still people who have never heard the concept that our way of thinking affects our lives and who think he might be being an overly dramatic preacher”?!

In keeping with traditional his Christian ideology, Rev. Groschel goes on to say that,

Your mind is a battlefield, and the battle for your life is always won or lost in your mind…Satan is your enemy…his strategy to defeat you is to persuade you to believe his lies.

His premise, as I expected, is that God is the author of Truth and he” will save us from the lies of Satan.

While he does offer some good exercises to help the reader connect with the limiting thoughts and their sources, as well as practices to help them connect with truth, I found it challenging to continue reading the book. I thumbed through it, stopping here and there to explore some of the exercises. But with each page, I found myself wanting to close the book and throw it across the room.

So I closed the book, held it in my hands, took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and connected within. In the space of quiet contemplation, I recognized that Rev. Groschels words were stimulating my own embedded theology and the pain and grief I experienced when I was involved in the traditional Christian church.

In that moment, I chose to give myself empathy and compassion for my feelings and the needs that were not met for me in my association with those churches. As much as anything else, I wanted to belong and to know that I was loved, no matter what. When I did not receive that, I felt sad, lonely, and angry.

From that space of self-connection, I was more willing and available to extend the same to Rev. Groschel and to all those who might be reading his book and discovering, perhaps for the first time, the power of their minds.

While I still do not agree with or support his theology, I am glad to know that he has awakened to the scientific evidence that proves what we in Unity have known for a long time. I am thrilled to hear an influential mainstream Christian minister acknowledge that science and religion can not only coexist, but work in tandem to help people improve their lives.

Still, I would like for everyone to know that we are not doing battle with something external to us that is trying to control our minds, nor is there something outside of us that is seeking to save us. There is no author of lies called Satan. There is no being called God who is going to show up to rescue us. The power lies within each of us.

Each of us is responsible for the choices me make with our thoughts. We can give power to the thoughts of lack and limitation that drain us of our energy, motivation, and creativity. Or we can choose to focus on the thoughts that empower us to live enthusiastic, passionate, and expansive lives that reflect the truth of who we are.

I encourage us to ask, What lies am I telling myself?” Then ask, What is the truth of who and what I AM?” Write down your answers. Burn the first list. Tape the second list to your bathroom mirror or somewhere you will see it often. Condition your mind with Truth and save yourself from your self-imposed limitations.

Again, while I am critical of his theology, Rev. Groschel offers some good insight and practices that can assist the reader in reclaiming truth. If you choose to read it, be prepared to do a great deal of Unityfying” his words to bring it in alignment with that we know to be true.

I shared the following during my Sunday message last week. Please read and hear these words as the voice of Love within your heart that is always calling you to remembrance of who you truly are.

I know it can often be scary to be in the world that judges you, asks you to conform, and fills your mind with ideas of what is right/wrong, good/bad. I know it can be confusing and confounding. I know you simply want to love and to be loved, because love is who and what you are. Please know that you are never alone. Even if you cannot see me, I am here. Even when things seem the darkest, I am here shining the light of love on you. Know that I love you just as you are. You do not need to be or do anything to earn love or deserve love. Please do not lose yourself. Do not conform to the world and its expectations and fears. Claim your joy, your love, your light and trust that others who value and respect you are drawn to you and will reflect your light.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Living in the Kingdom of God

In my message, Heaven Now, last Sunday, I shared some thoughts about why we keep ourselves from living the potential of heaven in the here and now. You may listen on Facebook or YouTube. I equate “heaven” with the conscious awareness of the Kingdom of God within. As the master teacher, Jesus, said in the gospel of Thomas,

"If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you.”

What do we mean when we say that the Kingdom of God is “within” us? What is the Kingdom of God? What do we mean by “within?” 

Unity minister and author, Eric Butterworth, helps to answer these questions in his book, Discover the Power Within You. He says that the Kingdom of God is not a place in space, thus “it is not somewhere to go, but something to be.” He further states that the Kingdom of God is the full potentiality of spirit which is expressed in each of us. This could be more clearly and directly stated as the potentiality of spirit expressed as each of us. 

The Kingdom of God within is not located within a particular point in space and time, but is that essence of life that is constantly evolving and expanding in expression. French author, Voltaire, is quoted as saying, “God [the Kingdom of God and the power within] is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” It is that expanding and evolving, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient life that is the power within.

In chapter 18, page 224 of the book, Butterworth relates the story of when the disciples asked Jesus, “When will the kingdom come?” to which Jesus replied “When the without shall become as the within.” What Jesus was saying is that when we realize the power within and express the full potential of that power, then the external, or the world, will reflect that full potential.

As Butterworth states, “Life is growth and unfoldment, and life is lived from inside out.” In other words, using Unity terminology, when we fully embrace and embody the Christ, the full potential of humanity, then we will bring forth the Kingdom of God upon the earth. We will usher in, as is envisioned in the book of Revelation, the reign of peace on the Earth. 

Butterworth says, “Jesus’ message of the Kingdom is the message of wholeness.” Wholeness is a concept that can also be described as perfection, completion, containing all, or not broken or damaged. All of these concepts represent what Jesus teaches is the spiritual Truth of each of us. In our natural state of being, we are complete, unbroken, and perfect: we are whole, thus in our natural state we embody the Kingdom of God. Because we are whole, we can also say that the Kingdom of God is within us, as us. When wholeness is fully realized within our conscious awareness, which we can describe as being “within,” we will demonstrate that state of consciousness in the physical realm. This is the foundational teaching of Unity. 

The Kingdom of God realized is the perfection of God made manifest in all aspects of our lives, including the body, self-expression, finances, and relationships. We access the Kingdom of God, or the power within, by entering the Silence through prayer and meditation. In the Silence, realization of Oneness is actualized, and in this state of conscious realization the Kingdom of God consciousness is activated. Through the power of intention and the expression of our thoughts and words, the power within is demonstrated in our lives. It was this realization, actualization and activation that facilitated Myrtle Fillmore’s healing, and the healing of countless others.

“The Power with” is the fullness of God expressing as each of us. It is not contained within our bodies, or even within our minds. It cannot truly be contained “within” anything. It is the power in which we “live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) 

I can best comprehend it when I think of it as the power within which I am. I like to think of the Truth of me, the ‘I Am,’ as the idea of the full potential that exists in the Mind and the Heart of God, which I also interpret as the Kingdom of God. I Am within the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God is within me.

It makes perfect sense when I realize that, in Truth, all that is REAL (Radiant Eternal Abundant Life) is the Kingdom of God, so all that is real must exist within it, and all that is real must embody only that Truth. As I embrace that as my spiritual Truth, and keep my mind stayed on that Truth, I am at peace. When I am at peace, I think thoughts of peace. When I think thoughts of peace, I express Love. When I express Love, I experience joy. When I experience joy, I bring forth the Kingdom of God on the Earth. 

I invite you to join me in affirming: “I am eternally in the Kingdom of God, I know the power that I am, and I express that power fully.”